Ram Dass on Being Truth – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 211

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In this dharma talk from the 1980s, Ram Dass talks about hearing what our part in the dance is, opening to form to find the emptiness, and tapping into the higher connections of our intuitive minds.
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(00:00) – Our Part in the Dance
(15:15) – Allow the Form
(28:20) – Intellect and Intuition

“But first, if you’re going to hear the message, the unique message of your incarnation, the unique message of your manifestation, the unique message in which you will find the emptiness, the form in which you will find the emptiness, you must open to the form. You must allow the form.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass on Being Truth – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 211 – https://youtu.be/-ImaSmt0sS8

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 211 – Being Truth – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-211-being-truth

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Tom Ato says:

Krishna Murti liked guys like David Bohm & would have liked Ram if he said his name was Richard 1st. Rich was really Ram in a Dass Disguise, serving US N👁️W, from all around the World🌎Up towards Our Skies🌃

Tom Ato says:

If you think that you are bold, but you want to keep from becoming bald, all you have to do is water your head several times a day,🌊 being hair looks like little grassroots. When the grassroots gets watered your hair is moist with possiblities. Also, all of the Gama Rays, the most intense rays that come out from the Yogi's brain, could actually dry out the roots with too much volt energy. Water neutralizes the free radicals that cause baldness. For it is much better to, "Boldly go where no one has ever gone before!" then to Baldly stop where no one wants to go🚀. Be Masters of Yore🛸Ship!

Dawn Bern says:

Thank you so much for making this available. I would like to add that his guidance through 'Neti Neti' starting at 38:33, which is the ancient India process-of-elimination that you can use to find out who you really are, was so impactful for me. I have heard other teachers guide through this, I guess I wasn't ready for it till now.

Sean D says:

False teacher. Ambiguity and nothingness. Most of “the east” is composed of primitive “peaceful” backwater cesspools without clean drinking water because of these “teachings” that propose that nothing is real, that all special actions are evil/karmic, that nothing is real and we’re all one, so why bother doing anything or trying to improve? India is still dealing with ancient diseases that have been eradicated from most of the rest of the world. Not to mention rampant gang rape. The most ancient of religions leads to humans defecating in the streets like this false prophet relates in one of his many self indulgent rambling talks.

The west has its fair share of problems, but mostly because godless doctrines and relativistic morality (Marxism, critical theory, post-modern intersectionality) has displaced god and we’ve become the victims of our own success. We’ve displaced our grounding in the judeo-Christian god which helped create the civilization which we are now so ungrateful for, and worship ourselves instead. So eager to tear it down with nothing to replace it. Either anarchical beastiality (the seven deadly sins run rampant), or selfish detachment as a method to cope. We are surprised that we are inheriting ruin.

Rasmus Kongstad says:

It’s been a while since I heard some of his lectures and goddamn does it feel good to be back! I love you Baba Ram Dass

You are what you’re looking for says:

Oh Ram Dass ❤
God, guru and self are 1.
You’ve been with me all these years walking me back home in the best ways 🎉❤

Om shanti, shanti, shanti. 😊

Flissi-J aka Imali Bliss Lord says:

2 breaths brings me Home!!

gerald morain says:

Truth works across all planes dimensions times conception

D M says:

I suddenly feel like I've been hearing this for eternity. In understanding I know it can never be an event in time. The timeless state of conciousness is the now. We can all enter it together, now.

Ricky Rodriguez says:

I love you Ram Dass! 🕉 namaste 🙏🏼

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