Ram Dass on Ego and Soul

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“The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back.”
― Ram Dass

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LiveMoveBe says:

Can anyone tell me what the song is at 28:41 please??

William says:

when was this recorded?

Marcin says:

At last Ram Dasss appreciated Beavis and Butthead!

Aaron Edwards says:

Wow! This is really really Good! Thx for sharing!

John Springer says:

Ram Dass is a Charlatan

Just One Truth says:

Wow. Thank you.

john-carlos ynostroza says:

O yea! Great upload. Thank you.

Karen Conlin says:

Great to hear new stuff, where did you find this?

Joe A says:

Thank you Very much for the Upload! I love hearing unfamiliar content from ram dass.

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