Ram Dass on God, Sex, and Dope – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 237

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In this wild Q&A session from 1976 that is teeming with frenetic energy from the audience, Ram Dass really just wants to talk about three things: God, sex, and dope.

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In this episode of Here and Now:

Dealing with a slightly wild audience, Ram Dass answers questions about how our actions can influence other people’s journey of awakening, what commitment truly is, and how to look at our predicament from different levels.
But what Ram Dass really wants to talk about is three things: God, sex, and dope. He talks about moving beyond the desire for drugs, how people become attached to their sexual expression and what tantra truly is, and defines God to the best of his ability.
Ram Dass ends the evening by singing, “Rejoice in the Lord.” Again, I say, rejoice.
“Beyond all of the patterns of energy – physical, astral, causal – lies God, that which is beyond form. You aim for that, and in the course of it, if you are pure in your aim, you can do nothing which is adharmic, going against the dharma. And if you stay in the flow, in the Tao, in the dharma, then whatever needs to be for you and your fellow human being will be done, even though you may not understand what it is that’s happening to you. Your intellectual awareness of what is going on is not necessary for this journey. It can speed it up and help it, but it’s not necessary.” – Ram Dass
Ram Dass on God, Sex, and Dope – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 237 – https://youtu.be/Il5mGU0Q6sU

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 237 – God, Sex, and Dope – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-237-god-sex-and-dope
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Tom Ato says:

REM: 17.57-60 min in: when HE=mc2 said "Talk about the ONE=mc2", RAM said, "That's enough were DONE=mc2"😎. It's like, "WOW, M'OM🧘woke UP!" in the King👑Dome of DONE=mc2🤺ONE=mc2, all from meditating AL'ONE=mc2!

Tom Ato says:

9:009:14 min in: Agreement💞sounds🗣️🎶much better than contract, covenant, &/or condition. What we🤝 agree on makes more sense than what we a'greed🤑on when it comes to Freed 🎺Will over🤖🆓Will, UP & over a chill💊pill!

Yah Boi Mavvy says:

Feels like the timing is perfect

Hannah Walker says:

0:36: 🎙️ The host introduces the last part of the lecture and discusses the importance of bringing everything to the altar in an interfaith church.
5:30: 📚 Frank Ostaseski, an expert in death and dying, will be featured in a live stream conversation on November 6th.
11:07: ! The speaker discusses the importance of following your heart and finding purpose in life.
17:16: 🔑 The video discusses the concept of identity and how confusion can lead to simplicity and self-discovery.
28:50: 🔮 The true essence of Tantra is the relationship between the Seeker and the Universe, where the soul opens up and becomes both the giver and receiver of energy.
33:58: 🙏 The video emphasizes the importance of wisdom and the ability to know God fully in this lifetime.
Recap by Tammy AI

CelestialSynchronization says:

its funny how at the beginning he has to talk to them like a teacher in a class of rowdy children and by the end he has them all singing like angels

Eveline Schoof says:

Listening from the Netherlands 😊

Jack Straw says:

Absolute divine timing, thank you Ram

Ray Naputi says:

Thank you, Ram Dass and those who are perpetuating his message.

V H says:

RD has a beautiful singing voice

Isa Tawhid says:

“Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!”

ZCasPlays says:

7:10 Ram Dass starts

Bethany! McMorris says:

Happy to be joining in from Washington state 💚

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