Ram Dass on Helping Each Other Get Free – Here and Now Ep. 205

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In this Q&A session from 1987, Ram Dass answers questions about meditation, service, and his relationship with his guru, plus he talks about the way we help each other get free.

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The Way We Help Each Other Get Free (8:52)
Speaking Truth Without Attachment (17:30)
Clearer and Lighter (29:42)

“As you can taste this evening that a lot of what we have to cultivate is really beyond questions and answers. And yet, we also have to get our act together on every plane, and a lot of it involves just keep asking the questions and answering them to ourselves until we’ve run out. So, this part is where we do that and we just keep reaching for the truth together because that’s really the highest thing we can offer each other, that’s the way we help each other get free.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass on Helping Each Other Get Free – Here and Now Ep. 205 – https://youtu.be/1yP9Ruol0sA

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 205 – Helping Each Other Get Free – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-205-helping-each-other-get-free
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n k says:

It's so amazing that Ram Dass's entire experience was India based and this "Jacky" woman is on and on about how this "fellowship" is timed so "perfectly" for US and UK audience. Dude?!? Theres also India and 190 other countries. Jesus man, how parochial are your perspectives ?

Cody Fritz says:

I got excited at the intro for a moment, I thought we were finally getting a pure Ram Dass video/audio, where it's just him talking. It's still a Ram Dass and friends video/audio. This is unfortunately why I end up on a bootleg channel where I can listen to Ram Dass for hours with no interruption.
I want to thank everyone involved for uploading more Ram Dass, it is a blessing!

anita dhawan says:

Wisdom and Love !!!
Gratitude 🙏🏽

заметки философа says:

and that he conquered old age and death?

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram 🙏🌹🙏🌹

Aakash Pandita says:


rachaelandreata says:

Thankyou for your content…really beautiful 🌸💫🥀🌷💐⚘️💚

JodieSama says:

Namaste to all

Divyanshu Singh says:

Most precious moment of yours with mahara ji?

Aubree Snook says:

thank you for sharing love and wisdom with us all <3

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