Ram Dass on How Spiritual Work Equals Social Action– Here and Now Podcast Ep. 238

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Speaking to us from 1983, a time of widespread fear about nuclear war, Ram Dass explores how spiritual work equals social action, and yet, we can’t just wait until we are free to take action.
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This episode of Here and Now, Ram Dass speaks about:
– How spiritual work equals social action
– The two ways that the game of awakening is playing out
– How Gandhi molded his social action movement, bringing together social action and spiritual work
– How the path of social action and the spiritual journey comes down to karma yoga and using the stuff of our life to get free, but we can’t wait until we are free to take action

“And when we are strong enough to look at ourselves, then we will be strong enough to demand truth. But most of us do not have integrity in our own lives. We are all full of righteousness and good here, and right over here we have deception, we have hoarding, we have all kinds of stuff. And to me, in my life, that isn’t good enough, it stinks. I can’t have any room any longer for guilt and self-deprecation about it. I have to appreciate that’s my evolving humanity, but I see where the path of real social action comes. I see what Gandhi’s talking about when he says make yourself into zero and your power is invincible.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass on How Spiritual Work Equals Social Action– Here and Now Podcast Ep. 238 – https://youtu.be/h1jCPN0QqG4

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 238 – Spiritual Work Equals Social Action – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-238-spiritual-work-equals-social-action
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Paola Masi says:

Thank you so much for this profound and necessary talk by beloved Ram Dass.Visionary.The work you do by sharing his teachings is incredibly important, it has been an incredible inspiration and support for me , for the whole of humanity. God bless you Baba Ram Dass, God bless you all.

Beth Witrogen says:

2023 and it’s even more dire. And Ram Dass is even more brilliant and relevant 😢❤

Lisa Johnston says:

Raghu , it’s great to see you here again . Thank you 🙏

Robin Hood says:

What a pretentious photo! Lol!

Jussara Almeida says:

There are deeply profound words in this talk, and impressively relevant for our time.

Love Udon says:

How did Rammed Ass get that "urinary tract infection" that almost killed him in India?

Eric Bray says:

I liked the part of his talk when he calls out our collective complicity with the war machine 56:00, very timely for progressives in the Democratic party who think they have some kind of moral edge over others; I include myself in that category.

Billie Christine says:

My burning question for everyone is, Have any of you experienced what he refers to as "You are the orgasm?"

J Forester says:

Did ram dass ever speak about the manson family?

LG says:

Curious about the rehab center in Thailand that used an unspecified substance/medicine to enable purging and the role of purging in breaking addiction.

Alex Katsanos says:

Ram Dass used to talk about Steven and Ondrea Levine and their work on death and dying and his book “Who Dies?” also.

RD spoke of this war/conflict on one talk i know of calling them “Brother Tribes”

1983…Reagan was President and Thatcher was Prime Minister. Computers got “personal” While Bucky Fuller dubbed this planet “Spaceship Earth” and his book “Critical Path” which he published in 1981.

Kat O says:

Very timely teaching. 🙏🌀💞🦋

It’s all Perfect! 🌀💫

LG says:

My perennial question: Can a solitary contemplative affect change in the material world. In a western sense, does prayer have affect?

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