Ram Dass on Reincarnaion

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Ram Dass describing Reincarnation

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Chris W says:

We all know this. Even if we don't. Amitofu

Haziq Shah says:

3:12 that's the deepest thing I've heard in a while, thank you 🙂

Freddy Krueger says:

Read autobiography of a yogi ,steve jobs only book on his ipad❤it talks about reincarnation, startrek movie came out of that book🍎🇮🇱🙏🇸🇦🇺🇸

Darladawn 222 says:

Reincarnation over and over indefinitely is my personal hell. What if I'm sex trafficked in my next life or have parents that lock me in a closet and only feed me enough to keep me alive while visiting me only to torture me? What if I'm put into a concentration camp and tortured in the life after that?? This is not comforting to me and I hope his perception of the nature of our existence is wrong.

Victoria Phelan says:

When you really don’t wanna come back but you really, really want to come back…

Billy James says:

Every Rammed Ass Babels

Crazy Craver says:

Sat Nam for making this lecture available, is there an extended version?

Charles Otis says:

Ego, ego. Eeeeggggoo ego ego ego ego ego. I’ve done this this and this eeeego

J JJJ says:

I saw all of what he's talking about when I took a large dose of psilocybin. Where can I get more info on the guy who was in solitary?

이마고 says:

hi ! my all beautiful tripping beings~ see you in the oneness!

v A says:

holy shittttt

Vladimír Korbel says:

This is really good one… I love the note about the state of oneness with The Father…

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