Ram Dass on Suffering and Karma

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My friend Ram Dass on Suffering and Karma.

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Paltiel Benyamin says:


Red Leaf says:

We love you Guru Ram Dass 💙🕯🌟

Sean James says:

"I came here to learn about two things. Suffering & Love." -Ram Dass

fntime says:

This guy,  is playing wise man. The audience is playing sychopant followers.They both suck and both are deluded.Both are what is called in the spiritual community, 'schmuck posers'

Sridhar Kaushik says:

Sri Sri Ravishankar once said "Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional".

Michael Gfroerer says:

It's incoherent nonsense. 

Vincent Tamer says:

Everyone is calling him out for being a druggie for his slow speech. He had a stroke in 1997.

HeatherAnnBeard says:

I find it easier to absorb his teachings since he had his stroke.  Ironic?  Perhaps but then again, maybe it's all in plan so to speak.  I have pondered the same question (can we live here without suffering).  To me, suffering is the catalyst to the path.  Being human means we must first suffer before we seek.  As for the rude comments…well, ego is a hard lesson to master but love conquers all.  

elvergon Ht says:

my comment is suffering brings me closer to god.
people live childish comments about the audience. wow. as far as I know ram dass is the movement of the sixties. if it were not for him tim leary would not have been able to do all those tests since ram dass was the Harvard psychology director. and he has been as honest as he can. sure there are other levels of counscieusness but as a guy below said, if everyone would learn a quarter of this awesome psychologist or guru, teacher, the world would be in peace..this dude always has been about peace and love, but he was also was consider the man with the highest IQ.

fntime says:

Actually yes and in many fields.
You get kind of angry with ideas, it's not your forte.
Stay with the comic books.
I think his problem is the over use of drugs, it never
helps anyone in the long run. Ram dass, alpert or you?
But, in your case, I'd recommend them. You're already
stupid and you definitely need to chill out.
Please use as much as you require, Sugarbritches~
You sound like a born again fundementalist.

ForJahMan says:

love this man

Dizzneyland91 says:

Alan Watts: "suffering builds character" – Thats why you got hit in school a centery ago to build your character…

Amit Dixit says:

.A famous saint Kabir said: " Jab mae tha tab hari nahi, ab hari hai mae nahi.sab andiyara mit gya jab deepak dekha mahi….." means when i was human i did not praised god ,i forgot him…but when i am not there the beautiful chance to praise him has gone ,now i have to be born again to get the chance until i mix in his light.And you know what remains then when we miss a chance: wishes,desires,selfishness,ego so we remain attached to this plane..last but not the least suffering!Hey Ram Das Lv U!

Amit Dixit says:

See whoever you r….May god bless you!….Yes Ram das is right….The physical plane is meant for suffering n love…..What goes out of body when we die….something comes out ,where does thinking go?? it's with soul…where all the soul goes if the thinking is with soul …it returns…

Tamara Joseph says:

It's the message that is of value. It doesn't matter where, or whom it comes through.

fntime says:

Thank you for your reply.
If you would like to discuss more about this, please
do it through my mailbox.
I said what I believe, if you think the current 'manifestation'
of 'Ram Dass' is valuable, then good luck.
Not interested in arguing over the obvious, at least to me.(lol)
This video is not helpful to anyone. Faux spiritality!
But if you check out his earlier books, they can be helpful
and are worthwhile.
"Well done is better than well said'-Franklin
The world doesn't need another 'holy man'!

fntime says:

Eckhardt Tolle is great until you have to see him.
There is nothing in his book that is new, it's a great rehash.
And that is cool and has some value.
But his body language is that of a shzoid, he is an extremely
troubled person.
Ram Dass hasn't been relevant in 40 yrs.
The audience are posers because they laugh at what's NOT
funny. Lacking a SOH, they are like the press corp who laugh
at ever stupid presidential joke.
It's the laugh of subjects to a king.
Grow up, you're on the wrong path.

fntime says:

I read his book, "Be Here Now".I am more familar with him
than you would ever know.
Honor, righteousness & 'the work' need to be reaffirmed daily.
We can't celebrate our accomplishment from the past, if we
are no longer walking that path.
I've heard interviews since he's had the stroke, this is a persona,
he talks normally when he chooses to.
Eckhard Tolle's book the Power of Now is excellent
distillation of buddhism.
They laugh like posers! Ram Dass is everything wrong
with spiritual teachers.

fntime says:

This man is a poser!
He is playing the role of 'the holy man'.(You speak low & slow)
But, his idealogy is really simplistic, mostly new age bullshit.
He attended the Eckhardt Tolle School of Pompous Asses.
If you ever saw '79 movie, "Being There", you laugh at this
silly self important phoney.
I don't know what's worse, the drivel from his mouth or the
idiotic laughing of this audience of posers!
Look at the audience, look at him, I rest my case.

Ishmael Forester says:

o the lessons we learn

gabriel forzano says:

Yes Ram, I love you.

Max Cooper says:

This is so beautiful.

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