Ram Dass on Taking Off Our Spacesuit – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 245

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In this essential talk from 1987, Ram Dass uses his life experience to guide us through the process of taking off our spacesuit of identity and embracing the curriculum our lives offer us.

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This episode of Here and Now is from a classic talk given in April 1987.

Using his journey as a guide for this talk, Ram Dass explores the spacesuits of ego and identity we wear in our lives. He tells us how ill-fitting this spacesuit felt for him, and the feeling of freedom he found when he was first able to take it off.

Ram Dass describes how he began to chase the high of not wearing the spacesuit through the use of mind-altering chemicals and spiritual practices. Eventually, though, those things became a different kind of suit he was wearing. Through the advice of a wise friend, he realized he needed to take the curriculum that everyday life has to offer and not just live with his head in the clouds.

Once the object of the game shifted from getting high to getting free, Ram Dass chose to stop pushing away all of the things that brought him down. Instead, he embraced the many forms of suffering in the world, working with prisoners, AIDS patients, and people going through the process of dying. To get free, we need to embrace it all, the good and the bad.

“As I took off the suit, I felt at home, I felt present. It felt extremely familiar to me, even though as an adult in society I didn’t remember having been in this space before. I was always constantly checking everybody to see if I was enough ‘somebody’ so that I would be allowed to exist.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass on Taking Off Our Spacesuit – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 245 – https://youtu.be/kqaeHebxwms

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 245 – Taking Off Our Spacesuit
– https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-245-taking-off-our-spacesuit

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@shrinari8152 says:

Ram Dass never seemed to not hit the nail on the head

@Selftalk_for_advanced says:

11:46 bs Stopps and ram starts

@Michael_X313 says:

I used to take drugs. I still take drugs.. but i used to, too .😄

@user-if6mc2uw8k says:

what a fake guru

@leslieottaviano5749 says:

sell some more stuff why don't you? 4 minutes in and nothing, Be more productive…hmm what BS

@1moorenate says:

Thank you for this , I needed it 🙏❤️🙏

@IAm-wl4zd says:

There is no one but God

@OPTHolisticServices says:


@ARdave311 says:

“The object isn’t to get high to get out there, the object is to be free!”

@heavilymeditated108 says:

Raghu it was so nice having you introduce the podcast again 💕

@brittanystaples4971 says:

Looking forward to this Fellowship – Podcast discussion next week on Feb 27th

@lynlavalight says:

Raghu, Prodcast was a great slip of the tongue!

@SuperTheSTeam says:

SO HAPPY FOR YOU TO BE BACK!!!!! Hasn’t been the same. Love you !!! What a great treat to have you back.

@jazzywhirl says:

0:02: 🎙️ Exploration of freedom by being fully present with desires and aversions, as discussed in a podcast episode.
6:41: 🌿 Embracing mindfulness and shifting focus from seeking highs to seeking freedom for a more spacious perspective.
13:30: 🤔 Exploring common human experiences through encounters with diverse individuals.
20:23: 💡 Struggling with societal expectations of happiness and identity, seeking therapy for guidance.
27:26: ⚡ Embracing all aspects of existence and letting go of attachments to physical identity.
33:33: 🚀 Journey of self-discovery and growth through various experiences and teachings.
40:17: 🚀 Journey towards spiritual unity through practices like meditation and devotional prayer.
47:01: 🧠 Understanding true freedom by embracing all experiences and being fully present.
54:05: 🌌 Lawful unfolding of the universe and interconnected forms observed with awe.

Timestamps by Tammy AI

@Sweet-Aloha says:

25:39 😂

@0127dlucas says:

I think when I first heard Ram Dass speak I felt He was so part of all of Us

@17silly says:

Thanks Raghu!

@alexwadelton5249 says:

"…for a small pittance I'll help you wear my suit." 😅

@octolink says:

Why do people hate on Raghu Marcus so much in every one of these comment threads? I get that we are listening for Ram Dass but it seems counterintuitive to all this "Love" shit

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