Ram Dass on the Anxiety of Being in the Void – Here and Now Ep. 193

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In the conclusion of this Ram Dass Q&A from 1992, he answers questions and offers wisdom about how life is our practice, how to deal with the anxiety of being in the void, and much more. 

Don’t miss the first part of this Ram Dass Q&A session in Here and Now Ep. 192: https://youtu.be/_-www9JIWuU

– Show Notes –

Life is Our Practice
Ram Dass begins with questions about drinking, drugs, and being undisciplined. He shares stories of being with Alan Watts and Trungpa Rinpoche, reflecting on their use of alcohol. Ram Dass explores how, ultimately, life is our practice, and whether or not marijuana can be used spiritually. 

“I mean, you really gotta flip it out one level to see the beauty of the whole thing. I mean, if you listen to my tapes every day in traffic, you will become as neurotic as I am. That’s all I can guarantee.” – Ram Dass

Relatively Real (20:30)
Next up, Ram Dass answers questions about the concept of the Witness, the idea of relative reality, giving up our clingings, healing from trauma, and dealing with the suffering of animals. He talks about how the Witness can lead us to a path of nondualism, how all astral planes are relatively real, and how we can deal with our fears by turning towards them rather than running away from them. 

“And that’s what’s called relatively real, it both is and isn’t real. So that the answer is all astral planes, all heavens, hells, all of that stuff, is still all relativity, it’s all relatively real… It’s like truth has no form, the minute you put it into words, it becomes a lie because there are conditions under which it isn’t.” – Ram Dass

The Anxiety of Being in the Void (46:44)
Ram Dass ends with questions on dealing with addiction, sifting through our leftover neuroses from childhood, dealing with the anxiety of being in the void and ceasing to exist as a separate entity, appreciating our sadness, working with our attachment to the Earth amidst the climate crisis, and becoming part of the compassionate force in the universe. 

“Finally, like the snake shedding its skin, the fear just isn’t enough to cut you off. And then you come in, and as you come into the totality, you are still a separate entity, and that separate entity, in itself, still has fear. And that’s what’s far out.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass on the Anxiety of Being in the Void – Here and Now Ep. 193: https://youtu.be/0vp5EzyIuro
Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 193 – The Anxiety of Being in the Void: https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-193-the-anxiety-of-being-in-the-void

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DamRam says:

amazing ram dass

David Lucas says:

Jai Jai Ram Dass

Pura Vida says:

I needed exactly this today. I’ve had anxiety about all being one. I feel loneliness and unease. I’ve had fears that everyone is not real, just people I dream up, which in a God sense is kinda true, but it’s been an unsettling time.

LightKnight1111 says:

Love love love it. So beautiful. Here’s a likely unpopular opinion: perhaps it wasn’t “poor Alan” after all. Perhaps Alan, as the fractal imperfectly perfect expression of source he was, with infinite free Will, made the choices he was meant to make in that particular lifetime for his highest spiritual catalyst for growth and the myriad of ways in which he impacted the lives of those around him. Ironically, a journalist for the Buddha is still a Buddha. It’s all a paradox so words become meaningless at a certain point. This is simply another of infinite perspectives. I’m not quick to judge anything or anyone ever since I see that everything has it’s divine unfolding and purpose. Often times it’s a wisdom deeper and more beyond what our monkey mind can fathom. Infinite love to all 💜💜💜

Chris Meisner says:

Didn't expect that Alan Watts comment out of the gate!!

JayDwain says:

I’m so glad to hear a sponsor on this podcast!! Love better help!! Love love love!

Mind4life says:

Alan Watts and his laugh. Legendary

Sofia Bothwell says:

Thank you for posting – wonderful wisdom, amazing teacher.

Kevin Shari says:

-41.05 ram. Dass starts

Chris Ward says:

Ram Dass starts talking at 14:02 thanks Ragu.

Mike Wallis says:

Watts baby!!

DJRexistsforyou says:

My God, if Ram Dass impersonating Aldous Huxley isn't the absolute best thing I've ever heard. ❤️ 😂🤣
Thanks Ragu Sauce!

Tyler Coyle says:

4 hours ago and 5 dried grams later

Padooshka says:

I found myself getting sucked back into the melodrama of work and the stress if everything and this is exactly what I needed. Ram dass you are a real homie

Donny Dread says:

∞ Love ^

Toufic Mann says:

Thank you Raghu

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