Ram Dass – Our Salvation Lies in Our Intuition | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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Ram Dass invites us along and guides us through an exploration of our shared inner world. Though recorded decades ago, his insight holds up and continues to inspire us modern human beings as we navigate these challenging times together.


0:00 Welcome Family! Relax and Enjoy.
0:50 Ram Dass talks brain power
5:50 Quotes the Bible
9:03 Laughs at his different selves
12:30 What is the role of the servant in Karma Yoga?
18:35 Ramana Maharshi Story
19:29 Quotes Emmanuel on death and dying
24:15 How do we be Conscious?
32:35 Ram Dass calls us all out
33:50 What is our work on Earth?
40:20 What’d you do with your last $10?
44:32 Ram Dass tells the crocheting story
51:35 Quotes Nasreddin story
58:00 on Love, interpersonal and divine
1:05:30 What happens if I push away depression?
1:08:00 Alan Watts story
1:12:30 Fearless monk story
1:19:05 Quotes Maharaji Neem Karoli Baba
1:22:00 Swims with dolphins
1:24:00 Ram Dass kisses Rosie the dolphin
1:32:40 Ram Dass talks trust and invites us
1:36:30 Golden Gate Bridge stories
1:37:45 Tells of a vision he had
1:38:50 BE that ‘one more’ light!

Thank you all sincerely for listening!


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The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@HeyY.T.StopDeletingMyComments says:

blessings to all (&you know who u is!) who brought this perfect black screen, it's as if i can listen hear better ✨️ and the raw recording, as a old school amateur experimenter (hack) guitar player/lo fi audio
freak, i appreciate this, & Ram Dass'
voice comes across, messages translate..
31 mins can hear a baby is talking, it's like a happy chirping bird & RD pauses…then picks up the story(he's great story teller!)& goes with the flow..
when Walter Kronkite used to say " and thats the way it happened"
sns i used to believe him.."

@gcox666 says:

Glad the Dass of Ram found me back in December. How I never heard of him before or didn’t know his life til Dec. 2023. I want to say I never got to meet him, but we are all within him and he is within all of us. Dass, Watt, Jung walked into a bar….. imagine that conversation. Haha

@AlcGrnhrt says:

"Freud was a second chakra aficionado."
Bless you Ram Dass! I needed this laugh today!


Dinner with Ram Das.

@zickityz6549 says:

Ah the one again

@martymaker says:

I am used to make Clips if fragments I wabt to remember. Why don't you allow it? Does Ram Das knows about it? He's left all of this for us to share.

@Jmplays911 says:

This talk was epic. He goes so deep into matters that are so intriguing. I could listen to this man all sat long

@aprilcollier4462 says:

Gained a lot of knowledge from this man. Thank you.

@matthewmadonna6943 says:

Lies? Or Lays?

@James-ic7vx says:

Love Serve Remember

@breanncobble4327 says:

Far out 🩷

@dandy2405 says:

Ram Dass is real!!!

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