Ram Dass | Pt. 1 Methods to Consciousness – 1970

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Ram Dass discusses the Western illusion of thinking that we always need to “do” something. When we learn to use that same energy to work on ourselves then we automatically change our surrounding environment. Through the method of Upaya, we use our senses to go beyond our senses. The illusion is transcended by the illusion itself. (4/18/1970 – Dublin, NH – Cumbres Growth Centre)

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Paltiel Benyamin says:

Namaste. Ram Dass offers Wisdom. Take the offering without condition?

Kathy Storer says:

Very kind, it obviously works 🙂 sending you light and happiness

Dan Holly says:

This is the best piece of divine wisdom I have ever found! Profound. Beautiful. Plus I love the clear window in the hippie revolution.

The Bees Knees says:

Thank you so much for uploading these!!!!

Hamant Keval says:

Thank you for sourcing Ram Days amazing videos. Love listening to his discourses. 

carpo719 says:

What if the Illusion does not want to be transcended? 😉

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