Ram Dass | Relaxing Stories of Buddhist Masters & Forest Monasteries | [Black Screen/No Music]

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This talk took place in Santa Cruz, CA, in March of 1977. Ram Dass shares his experiences with Buddhist meditation teachers in Thailand and his explorations with Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein.

0:07 Story time begins
0:28 Ram Dass travels with Jack Kornfield and Joseph Goldstein
2:00 Ajahn Chah’s Monastery
3:01 The Monks of the Monastery
4:42 The Deeper Layer of the Master
6:15 Remarks on the Monks, Suffering and Compassion
7:50 Purification in the forest monastery
8:30 Meditation in Nature
9:51 Villagers feed the Monks
10:49 Eating in Silence
12:10 Dedicating your Life
12:40 Brutall Warzone Conditions
13:45 Growing Beyond Forms
14:55 Talks about Ajahn Chah
15:33 Ram Dass quotes Chogyam Trungpa
16:05 Buddhism and Hinduism
17:28 Ram Dass talks of Maharaji
19:01 Politics of Founding a Meditation Society
21:01 Ram Dass explains Karma
21:50 Yearning, Discipline and Guilt
22:40 Ram Dass Talks about Pleasure, Joy, Desire and Pain
23:19 Goodnight, sleep well!


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@austinmullis8171 says:

Ram Dass was a form of exquisite storytelling. He reflects his experience so poetically into words. The more you experience higher levels of liberation, the more this is clear and for me I can feel the energy of each experience he describes in his talks bc how well he conveys it and how it relates to the teaching behind the story.

@Squalorly says:

Bite-sized bhakti

@9shahed says:

Baba’s voice here is so soothing and grounding.

@fourtwentythree says:

This one wasn’t for me 🙏

@fourtwentythree says:

1.5x let’s goooooooo 😅🙏

@irishguyjg_2ndchancerecovery says:

Thank you Spirit of Robert Baba Ram Das. Love u brother.

@kathyadams5963 says:

To me, this was perfect timing~these words have helped me this morning. They were what i needed to hear. Im gonna listen for the 3rd time in just a bit❤

@heatherwall9571 says:

I was blessed a while back, to actually feel his presence 🥰🙏💙

@mu8625 says:

crazy adventures he must've had

@idab6864 says:

Thank you Baba 🩷

@theliberationstation8457 says:

Does anyone know the name of the full talk this excerpt is from?

@jeremyk9000 says:

This was a beautiful excert. I really enjoyed it.

@RavenmistMatrix says:

Everyone could use a little ram dass

@TySunBreWhere says:

Sounds boring

@sinewavesum says:

YAAAY.. More RD!!

@IAMHEALTHY-ly3zv says:

I love you Ram Dass.. I love you Maharaji.. RAM RAM.. Namaste to all and may love and light fill your life ..☮🕊💌

@Vitaminskate says:

New Ram Dass lets gooooooo 🔥

@OrcintheBasement says:

So I see you’ve completely abandoned posting actual full lectures and have opted to just cut up random comments with no context

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