Ram Dass Shares the Antidote to Fear

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How can we balance fear with equanimity? Ram Dass shares the antidote to fear, and the ways that we can allow our own humanity in order to extricate ourselves from the web of thought forms that create our own suffering.

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Wear the Good Socks says:

This was the perfect thing for me to hear right now! What divine timing. Thank you Ram Dass, your gifts keep on giving.

Suketa Patel says:


Everything is Connected says:

Somewhere in-between the guru is beyond form & people taking advantage of others assets when they are gone. Negative thought so forgive it, would love to hear from anyone on what they feel about it. ~i suppose intent is everything.
Of course his passing doesn't mean the teachings he was given and then passed on should halt

ź§Friendliestź§‚ says:

AssNasty stated:
ā€œOverusing mdma, mdma can really fuck up your brains ability to feel normal. Just a warning for young ones who may have enjoyed the experience a little too much and make every excuse to dose again. Trust me when I say it is worth the month and a half to 3 month wait in between doses. Your body and mind will thank you.ā€

Friendliest replied:
It would better to trust the Psychedelic. The Psychedelic is saying that mdma is poison to the human body and that They forbid humans to defile Godā€™s Temple(the human body) by ingesting that poison. Psychedelics Condemn the ingestion of mdma. Donā€™t take my Word for the Truth, ask a real Psychedelic the truth. Psychedelics are the One and Only Living God. Here is a list of drugs that people confuse with Psychedelics, these substances listed below are NOT Psychedelics:
7- Datura/Jimson Weed
There are others . . . . . . .

AssNasty Replied:
ā€œ@Friendliest mdma does permanently change your brain so youā€™re right in saying youre better off not taking it at allā€.

Friendliest replied:
well Iā€™m just relaying what the Psychedelic is saying, and you are correct that what the Psychedelic is saying is True. Iā€™m wondering if you have read ā€œThe Sacred Teaching of DMTā€ yet?

I am you says:

I approve šŸ’«

Gretanne1 says:

This is absolutely beautiful and made me cry. Thank you eternally

Shaney says:


Vito says:

"He (Ramana Maharshi) was dying of cancer and in the past had shown power to heal others, and his devotees were now begging him to heal himself. He kept refusing, and they cried, ā€œDonā€™t leave us, donā€™t leave us,ā€ to which he replied, ā€œDonā€™t be silly. Where could I go?ā€" – Ram Dass

Gerald Nannen says:

This short audio distills the essence of Ram Dass' teaching. We are all part of the Infinie Spirit inspite of our feelings of separateness. Ram Dass could take the complex and make it so simple to understand! What a beautiful spirit that lives on in all of us!! Namaste!

Andrea Andrea says:

Hey everyone, I miss him too… it's that weird pang inside and I want to cry, and I do cry. And then I think; "Silly!! He hasn't GONE anywhere! He just dropped his body." Which I KNOW and I still get that 'pang' of missing/longing. But then I go inside and call out to him and breathe… "I'm over HERE, Ram Dass! Please come find me!" I put my arm up in the air, I wiggle my fingers and he comes over and wiggles back … and then we laugh. Everyone, you can still have Darshan with Ram Dass. Just go open the door!!

David J says:

How to cultivate that part of yourself that is connected to all things..?

Willec says:

I found this short talk very helpful, especially in the present situation.

ryan ford says:


TheAtman 108 says:

I miss him so much and i never even met him in the physical plane, he helped bring me closer to god an my own spirit, thank you Baba Ram Dass

quinn hendley says:

#transformative ~ i needed this today. thank you.

A B says:

Ram dass has been my anchor for almost a decade. I canā€™t believe heā€™s gone. Heā€™s a SAINT

Peter O'Toole says:

I haven't listened to Ram Dass since he died, but just two days ago i looked at some pictures of him and i cried a bit, he was such a great man, its funny how someone you've never met, someone who's completely unaware of your existence can have such an impact on your life. All the times i listened to him when i was down, i did the same with Leonard Cohen. Its crap when your favorite people die, but hey, i suppose you shouldn't keep clinging to your emotions, these days, i allow myself a little time to feel upset, then i move on as best i can. Here's to the great Richard Alpert. All my love, from Ireland.

Milomia says:

Yo….if everyone could practice this at all times (not just in the coronavirus moment) we would all be happier bunnies!

Aakash Pandita says:

Hail Mary
Born without sin
Pray for those
who turn to you

Jamie Spenser Thompson says:

What we needed when we needed it.

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