Ram Dass – Talks and Stories at the Farm Pt. 2 | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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Ram Dass takes care of us from his family Farm in 1967.

PT. 1 – https://youtu.be/FbA-ynYWtKE

0:00 Storytime begins!
2:01 Very opinionated Ram Dass
6:29 Do we pull ourselves down?
12:00 Mary Jackson bible story
22:38 Ram Dass talks about realization
31:56 Direct experience being key
39:30 How can you discern a hallucination vs reality?
43:01 Christ’s resurrection
51:05 Interviewed about Harvard departure
58:10 Ram dass quotes Shakespeare
1:04:20 What do you do?
1:12:15 Compassionate people
1:20:45 Ram Dass sings a lullaby
1:25:02 Enjoy your moment friends!


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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Reimagined: The Life & Teachings of Ram Dass

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@ryani777 says:

Perfect timing, Ram!

@tejashrifulsounder5004 says:

He is my Guru who protect me from evil. With kindness, grace and fun.

@telysia_com says:

Loving Ram Dass

@Vitaminskate says:

Bro. Tell me that was not gun shots while they were singing …

@Vitaminskate says:

New Ram Dass let’s goooooooo

@romasay9417 says:

Hey any one up for a group chat about spirituality.
So we can talk about the unspeakable?

@jarredbahr1714 says:

Is there a part 3 to this series of lectures? In any case, thank you all for all of your work. Namaste.

@kendallthiessen says:

This is early Ram Dass and I found his growth and shift over time. quite fascinating to see the evolution. THis Ram Dass has more spitfire, a but more "holy-ness" if you will. I prefer his later years as his wisdom grows but the message is still powerful and resonates nonetheless. This is the "always higher"s state.

@johnwrickel says:

🦄 Dolt by John Rickel 🦄

@shareerussell9517 says:

The place behind your system and my system, where we are. I've started to recognize how I've accidented myself into these moments, and what they have looked like in my life, and I can understand what he's saying, and the value in it. What a beautiful teaching. I can especially see this politics wise. Because I feel that some political views are threatening to me; so this is one of my spiritual challenges I am working through. I used to date someone politically opposite of me, but through his kid, we somehow met each other behind it all. But reality (and my trauma reactions) often dumped me back into my systems again. It was quite dysregulating, but now I am able to meet him behind our systems, as long as I keep a certain emotional distance between us. I don't force that distance to close. I will love him where I can love him. And it is my work to let that grow naturally so long as I keep thinking about it, so that I can see him without anything blocking the way. I don't know if any of this made sense, but namaste…:)

@NaoTech85 says:

please upload more lectures. I've listened to all the ones available like a million times

@ricardolopes9563 says:

Ram Ram Ram

@gotjones80 says:

Welp… cranky Ramdass has shown up lol

@user-ip3hg3om5c says:

Timeless 💎

@Jexzi says:


@chrisp.mophow8603 says:

Ram Dass🤯👌

@Rojayzee says:

Timeless and beautiful. 🕊️

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