Ram Dass – Talks from the 90s Pt.1 (Cracking the Egg) | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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From a talk given in Oklahoma City in 1990. In this lecture, Ram Dass opens by discussing the roles we all play in these gatherings. He describes the evolution of the concept of intuition and heart/mind wisdom. Ironically, he describes the polarity of society and the things we honor including the mythical figure of Donald Trump. He explains the joy of being present in every moment, witnessing the paradox of the horrible beauty of karmic law unfolding.

0:00 Welcome to the 90s!
7:15 Afraid of our own heart
15:45 The moment of death
24:45 30 yrs of practice
35:55 Gap between rich and poor
36:50 Ram Dass on Donald Trump
46:01 Nuclear waste and politics
49:00 Global warming & climate change
59:55 How to deal with desire?
1:08:00 How do I Keep my Heart open?
1:20:50 We are part of nature
1:33:00 How do I deal with change?
1:35:07 Ram Dass on President Bush
1:44:45 Want to be free
1:53:30 moment of grace
1:53:45 Ram Dass quotes Rilke
1:54:20 Ram Dass quotes Dalai Lama
1:55:02 Goodnight all!


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@laurafredrickson says:

“Can you all hear me”? We hear you always and in all ways beloved ❤

@jasonandfiona says:


@theetravelhippie says:

I did not know there was an active threat on Peyote. Noted! Will look into San Pedro

@theetravelhippie says:

Daily dose of Ram Dass and Londrelle keeps me sane❤

@jimvarga5882 says:

Listening this tonight 7/15/24 for the very first time and boy is it ever relevant to where we are

@melmelsmusicstudio1800 says:

"It was trauma in this case that forced this person into an appreciation of a broader context in which human events occur. " 18:20

@andyolsensovereignbeing.6211 says:

Only recently got to listen to this wonderful man. Died just before the lie to get a V in to everyone. I wonder what his thoughts would be now. Sat yoga knows.

@jennyboylan3087 says:

Free Palestine ❤

@tageschance5501 says:

Love #ramdass and Richard’s way , his truthful authentic self realized dancing way to make us #remember, who we really are beyond neurosis, depression, anxiety, fears and more.
Love you #ramdass and I‘m deeply apriciating your tremendous truthful tender authentic style and work for us 🫶🏾🌸😍🌱💕🙏🏽🧬♥️🌎

@tageschance5501 says:

Afraid of my own heart ❤️
It is a bizarre situation 😂 7:56

@anonymousecalling says:

I had heard of Ram Dass and his philosophies many times, but this is the first time listening to his lectures. Serendipity, as his first words displace my insecurities in my key. Been trying to get feedback but not sure anyone understands but me and the AI, seems Ram Dass might have too and gives me hope! https://anonymousecalling.blogspot.com/2023/09/a-marriage-of-science-and-mysticism.html

@SeaBear824 says:

Thanks so much for posting this. ❤ 💚💕

@iamlily says:

In what year was this recorded?

@dnbjedi says:

the universe eats itself– black holes, gravity, concrescence. 'a holocaust of eating.' -(alan watts)
let go of the self and tragedy it self is temporal
destruction becomes construction and vice versa
its at least worth dancing in the thought

"…because they dont scream as loudly." -Alan Watts paraphrasing ..<?> about vegetarians choosing not to eat meat."

@dnbjedi says:

I really love it when I hear a new story or a new moment from Richard/Ram—- He grows in my mind still even after decades. <3

@no_dot_0_dash says:

Oh wow. The Trump section was much needed. He's my Achilles heel. Thank you, my friend. 🙏

@ryani777 says:

Good one! ❤

@alexwild3760 says:

Than you ❤️

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