Ram Dass – Talks & Stories of the Mind and Heart | [Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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From the Series – “Cultivating Compassion” – Ram Dass artfully brings us into a beautiful, harmonious space.


0:07 Good Evening, Everyone!
1:08 What is so familiar?
5:30 Story of a Tibetan Lama
7:00 Are you out of your mind?
9:15 Ram Dass tells story of Maharaji
13:00 How could He love me so much?
14:30 Crack pot baba
16:50 How do I Understand my Experience?
18:25 Trust in God and Tie Your Camel
22:05 What do you think you need?
25:45 Nasreddin Story
26:40 How do I be a renunciate in America?
32:01 Ram Dass takes a risk
37:15 Tim Leary and Ram Dass’ Enlightenment Chart
39:10 Ram Dass Cheats
41:30 Ram Dass on Zen Breath
45:01 Get Real Time
46:20 Do you push away your humanity to embrace divinity?
47:40 Ram Dass and Alan Watts share a drink
51:40 Your Humanity is the Curriculum
54:35 Ram Dass gets roasted
58:20 Planes of Consciousness
1:01:08 How Do I Get Free?
1:04:20 RD on Caregiving for his Father
1:08:03 Ram Dass Recognizes the Nature of Things
1:14:01 RD’s Brother Bill and he Talk about family
1:19:03 How do we be with our Roles?
1:20:20 Zumbach the Tailor Story
1:24:07 Seva Foundation Stories
1:28:00 How Do We Awaken?
1:32:10 What is Compassion?
1:35:40 What is the game Ram Dass?
1:36:50 Busted with the Microphone
1:37:40 Getting Free
1:37:55 Thank You Ram Dass


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@rachelhaumate1237 says:

Love you so much Ram Dass, Maharaji. Thank you both so much for your precious teachings. Thank you my Jesus for these beautiful beings. I love you all.

@JaiSriRam1777 says:

This comment is to peacefully protest the gatekeeping of RD’s lectures. Common complaints as clarified by the community on the Ram Dass subreddit are as follows. 
Removal of content, privatizing/licensing out content, copyright striking others who post content without replacing what was removed or providing another means to access the content.  
Restriction of what is released, cutting and editing pieces of full lectures and not releasing the full lectures themselves.  
Putting a paywall in place that provides access to still limited content.  
Access to content is overall severely limited compared to just a year or two ago. I know that the foundation needs to make money but it seems like there is a way it could be done that isn’t as restrictive when it comes to access to uncut lectures.

@maximilianomanuelvilamitja8193 says:

I didnt hear the bird the first time he talked on this wavelenght

@pamelafusek says:

Incredible ❤ does anyone know what year this was recorded?

@maccyd53 says:

Aww…I love him so much.

@robisonjeremiah says:

राम राम ❤️‍🔥

@ricardolopes9563 says:

Ram Ram Ram❤

@OPTHolisticServices says:


@kathyadams5963 says:

Ah, ha, just realized when I watch these on TV, instead of phone, they aren't connected together

@iamhealedpodcast says:

I love you Ram Dass.. I love you Maharaji .. RAM RAM.. Love & Light to all beings 🙂

@jordanhoutrouw2969 says:

Ramm Dass has helped me center, see more clearly what is, and open my heart further than it was. Thank you.

@kathyadams5963 says:

Such a great one. I can't wait to listen again😊❤ thank you

@Rojayzee says:

What a treasure! So grateful we can still benefit from his wisdom through these recordings. Thank you! 🕊️

@sarahcoutts4854 says:

❤the middle way …

@LawnZip says:

Ram Dass and Alan watts FTW! Thank you both so much for everything! R.I.P.

@user-no8kp1mv3o says:

Thank you!!

@davidthomaschwclmt5925 says:

Beloved Ram Dass. A treasure for the western world to find refuge in his voice and teachings and guidance.

@dracoobi6477 says:

Great help ❤

@khanabadoshdevd3634 says:


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