Ram Dass | The Hollow Bamboo Meditation [Black Screen/No Music]

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Ram Dass plays the hollow bamboo game, a meditation exercise to help us enter into a place within ourselves where we are one with everything and everyone.

Straight from 1969 in New York City, this is part of the famed ‘Sculpture Studio’ sessions.

0:00 Meditation begins
1:08 Ram Dass reads from the Vedas
3:03 Mahayana Buddhist exercise
5:18 Imagine what its like to be a hollow bamboo
10:45 Free of time
11:20 How to see the play of life
13:31 Change your perspective
15:41 La illaha illallah
17:25 Inner knowing
18:44 Blind men and the elephant metaphor story
20:30 The illusion of duality and the knower of the field
22:05 Experiencing the void
23:38 Rama-Krishna story
25:24 Ram Sita and Lakshman (Laxman)
27:20 Maya illusion description
28:30 Temple in India
29:40 Divine Mother
30:40 Reading of Rama-Krishna describing samadhi or God Absorption
34:50 Black Elk’s vision experience
39:00 The spiritual path
39:30 Near death experience
40:30 Intuition


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

Find out more at http://ramdass.org

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@martinvalenzuela1649 says:

Love you Ram-Das.

@Ryan-xq3kl says:

I am running from the trauma of suicidal ideation.

@dandy2405 says:

It teaching for me. Not meditation. Stay strong! I am peacefull warrior. Humor, paradox a change.

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