Ram Dass: The Moment Is All There Is – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 239

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Ep. 239 – The Moment Is All There Is
In this recording from 1995, Ram Dass explores the nature of time, especially as it relates to aging, and shares how his guru helped him see that being in the present moment is all there is.

This episode of Here and Now is from a recording of a study group on aging hosted by Ram Dass in 1995.

Ram Dass begins his exploration of time and aging by looking at the nature of time from both the domain of the ego and the domain of the soul
He examines the perspectives on time we hold throughout our lives in this culture, from being fully in the moment as babies, reaching for the future as kids and young adults, thinking of time as money in middle age, and finally clinging to the past in our older years
Ram Dass reads from a book on aging that he’s in the middle of writing, sharing a tale of why time seems to work differently in India and how his guru helped him see that being in the present moment is all there is
Finally, he talks about working on letting go of his personal history and the struggles he had with boxes of memorabilia he’d collected over the years
“And they talk about gaining awareness is like snatching the pearl of awareness from the dragon time. That’s one of the mystical ways of talking about what awakening and enlightenment are. It’s freeing your awareness from being entrapped within time. Not that you don’t use time, but you’re not used by it.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: The Moment Is All There Is – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 239 – https://youtu.be/H5URkGAWEuQ

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 239 – The Moment Is All There Is – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-239-the-moment-is-all-there-is

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@woodsey5287 says:

Very annoying graphic
It’s about the message
I can’t watch it

@robertdobie8680 says:

Wonderful! Thank you! 🙏

@DreamFitByDonna says:

Thank you for your voice

@DreamFitByDonna says:

In the world but not of the world

@kevinshari8262 says:

7.26 ram dass starts

@shivadasa says:

To skip right to Ram Das go to 7:25.

@emergencyremedialtruth8593 says:

Once I figured out that I am God, I called Ram Dass and told him I am either God or I am crazy he suggested or both.

@jamesmoran7511 says:

This guy is an absolute liar. He lied about nearly everything he ever said. He was just a bs artist and thankfully we'll never hear another word from his mouth

@sun-power says:

Came here for Ram Das and got some woman instead. Boo.

@mauricepowers3804 says:

I'd much rather not have such a lengthy introduction to these videos. I don't think he needs this long of an introduction!!!!

@kathyadams5963 says:

❤ this. Perfect "timing" too😊

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