Ram Dass-The thinking mind

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Ram Dass-The thinking mind
Ram Dass illuminates the trap that many of us fall into as we grow up which is the idea that we are our thoughts.

The more accurate view would be, “I am and I think.”

Thinking is a power that we have – “Intellect is a great servant but a lousy master.”

Most of us live almost entirely within the projections of our thinking mind

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@beyonce_for_life says:

Damn this is a real good one

@levent6293 says:

I dont get this thinkers etc. going to India and slugging their own region, Gandhi says this that talking about civilisation not been exist in west, what in India it does? with every one creating different god and all calling them self guru yet people still doing their poo in streets and living in such poverty?

@Uncle_Jester says:

✋We are but the stories we tell🤚

@MerePasser-by-7482 says:

Around 10:54, he talked of sex, perhaps? There was fasting forward😮

@BeingNow47 says:

The first minute of this video reminded me so much of the Power of Now. Ram Dass says the power of the Mind a few times. Starting to believe Eckhart Tolle remixed Ram Dass work without the metaphysics.

@araxxi27pogo86 says:

You're under no obligation to be the same person you were five minutes ago. 🙏😊

@chastonmatta says:

For a second and multiple seconds, I swear I hear Jim Rohns voice through this man or vice versa. ❤

@socialtraffichq5067 says:

If you're having problems sleeping this is the cure

@adamparker5696 says:

Isn’t it just more ego to think that we go on and that we are eternal beings? Did you remember where you were before you were born because that’s where you’re going when you die. Occam’s razor..

@alady1545 says:

Not the real truth thinking 🤔 English reads differently 🤔 😊

@oseanawind1 says:

I literally used to live just like that moose lol

@oseanawind1 says:

In the book of Job it says He said, “Naked I came [into this world] from my mother's womb, And naked I will return there. And also Jesus said John the baptizer is Elijah. So there is 2 separate instances where the Bible mentions reincarnation.

@TravellingKook says:

Thank you sir 🙏🙏

@astrotrain3332 says:

I thought this was that British guy

@pahbody5336 says:

i love that he's bald

@IreneBeauville says:

What a treat. ❤

@killking-qk8xr says:

9:50 through 12:05 beautiful ❤👏🏾

@avalanche9026 says:

Never heard of this dude. I listen a little. Nothing here. Zero. Talking obvious things.

@avalanche9026 says:

98 percent of the time ?? You’re not .. what you think you are .,., when drunk it works. Or drugged Your averithing you want …

@dandy2405 says:

Ram dass rules🎉🎉

@kinbolluck476 says:

It is always a pleasant surprise when life allows me to reconnect with the initial companions who embarked on this extraordinary and enigmatic journey of returning home. They provided encouragement, embraced me affectionately like a lost child, reassured me, held my hands, and guided me along the path. We shared laughter and tears, and then our paths diverged. However, they unexpectedly reappear today, filling me with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and grace in the present moment.

@OGStazzy says:

7:44 as a open minded human maybe to a degree of damage… I’ve done that with animals a lot and it was draining… I just think we all have something to say lol it’s funny how naive we can be and how graceful life still is to us as long as we grow

@1rocknroy says:

I liked his book but I can't stand to hear him talk. Such a smarty pants.

@nicknelson5814 says:

Thank you baba

@jagirkaur6216 says:

It's always a surprise, life seems to made me completely forget the old first co travellers i got into when this incredible mysterious journey back home unfolded, they encouraged me, hugged me lovingly like an lost child assured me, taken my hands showed me the way, we laughed, we cried together and then we departed , but suddenly as today they surprise me with there presence letting me feel evergrowing grace right here and now .

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