Ram Dass The Truth of Your Deepest Being – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 230

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Ram Dass explores how to find the balance between emptiness and compassion in the face of immense suffering and tap into the truth of your deepest being to hear your unique dharma.

This episode is a continuation of the talk from Here and Now Ep. 229 – The Sword of Discrimination: https://youtu.be/ppMp2g-GAY8

Today’s podcast is sponsored by Apollo Neuro. Developed by neuroscientists and physicians, the Apollo™ wearable uses touch therapy to rebalance your nervous system and support your circadian rhythm, allowing you to sleep better, focus more efficiently, and even meditate with ease. Get $40 off your purchase today using code BEHERENOW and tap into a calmer, better rested, more focused version of you.

In this powerful talk from 1992, Ram Dass explores:
– Boundaries and the nature of love
– Belief systems and faith
– How his work with death and dying has prepared him for dealing with a dying culture and the looming ecological disaster
His work with the Seva Foundation and the power of community
– Tapping into the truth of your deepest being to hear your unique dharma
– Finding the balance between emptiness and compassion in the face of immense suffering

If you and I are to be instruments of the healing of the world, it is that we are quiet enough to hear our dharma, our way, and that we live our way as a statement. As Gandhi said, ‘My life is my message.’ We live our lives in such a way that the way you are in the supermarket, the way you are with your loved ones, the way you are when you’re facing pain, it is all part of the deepest wisdom statement you are able to make. It is the truth of your deepest being. For that, you have to listen inward very quietly as your offering to all beings.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass The Truth of Your Deepest Being – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 230 – https://youtu.be/8QFFarwRfTs

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 230 – The Truth of Your Deepest Being
– https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-230-the-truth-of-your-deepest-being

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Pure NATURE says:

Thank you for your inconditional love, so pure…you make me feel protected and finally understood…om namah Shiva ya

Magick Doses says:

26:04 Shameful you would pervert a Great Spiritual Teachers voice with A.i to promote global warming and others silly fear based programming

Moishe Kellman says:

Learning halacha while on the beach 😂😂😂

Magick Doses says:

This seems A.i Generated lmfao

Brenton Briggs says:

Thank you for continuing to make these teachings available.. Thank you for all you do in sharing these. .

luba Vukadinovic says:

Dear Spirit of Danas, you are teaching us that logic is NOT way; 5 doses of LSD do make open the door to miracle the unconscious people. Conscious live IT > Earth in 2023 is uvailing miracle ❤

꧁꧂ Layto꧁꧂ says:

Если ты читаешь этот комментарий, то знай, что я люблю тебя Человек❤. Пусть у тебя в жизни будет всё только самое светлое и самое лучшее❤

Laura Inman says:

So happy my search placed me right here, right now. And with this very question burning in my brain. Thank you for the beauty and the lights you shared.

Maine Prophetic says:

😮hb b by 1:17 1:17 s😅x go x2

Vijaya Kishore Veeravalli says:

When I firstly started doing this kriya all my impurities and imperfections started to dissolve very much rapidly within me.

I started to see a lot of positive changes in my life very rapidly and I started noticing how much powerful this Susmuna Kriya Yoga Guided Meditation.

How it will change each and every person perspective in a very unique way and can have a tremendomous impact in each and every person when they start doing this kriya slowly it will change any person from inside into a more positive, loving, caring, passionate and compassionate human beings.



JJ Now says:

I'm so blessed to have known him 😇🙏

Yakuō says:



Show the science or it’s just marketing

Claudia Smith says:

7 minute introduction….😮

Dacoo says:

Ive heard his truth was that he's a gay

Gregory Glavinovich says:

Good but Alan Watts is better. Good bye. Luh hitraot

Alf Reds says:


Courtesy Of Discipline says:

But I got it on plays loud 🎉

Stoic Thinking says:

Not a bad sales pitch!

Albert M says:

7:42 for Ram Dass
Intro can get a bit long at times
Appreciate this channel 🙏

Caren Kurdjinian says:

Just amazing and so beautiful…….🌞

StrainWashed says:

The more I listen to people like this, the more sad I become. None of this shit has happened me with suffering whatsoever. It’s just mad me more aware of the fact this place we live & the people who run it are disgusting.

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