Ram Dass – To Sleep To – From RAM To REM ReProgram | V.1 | Black Screen / No Music / Full Lecture]

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Our favorite orator brings us through the night starting with a bedtime story and ending with a morning meditation. Throw it on and let us know what yall think of this experiment. Let us find deep rest and infuse a healthy night’s sleep with our favorite spiritual teacher and some of his most peaceful sessions. Goodnight gang!


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The Inner Academy is a virtual wisdom school from the Love Serve Remember Foundation, featuring a vast collection of courses, lectures, and practices from Ram Dass and our family of wise and inspiring teachers. Itโ€™s designed to awaken the heart to compassion, service, and radical love in these ever-changing times.

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… ______ …

The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

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@ThaKid14 says:

Releasing an 8 hr Ram Dass black screen talk is a true gift. Blessings to you for this.

@swarupachakraborty5460 says:

Oh my good God Ram Dass…i Actually searched for a talk to fall asleep to a few nights ago ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I listen to these talks a lot and his life's work has been fuelling and rooting me into the now at a trying phase of life. Thank you a bajillion times Baba ji ๐Ÿซ‚โค๏ธ I know you can read this too. Ram Ram Ram Ram. Jai Maharaj Ji ๐Ÿ™

@wilfredosantiago9289 says:

โค ๐Ÿ™ Karen Murao

@NotesFromTheJourney says:


@ksarecords8099 says:

No way this is perfect

@peacepaint917 says:

@flexapyro9610 says:

i love you all <3

@aliveandfree369 says:

Great idea! Love to all of you at Be here now and Baba Ram Dass โค๏ธ๐Ÿ•‰๏ธ๐Ÿ™


I Love You Ram Dass… I Love You Maharaji.. RAM RAM Love & Light to all being ๐Ÿ™‚

@emilylowrance7930 says:

does all amrita come from vishnu?

@robinseneviratne6675 says:

nice one, thanks

@nunyobidniz says:

Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram

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