Ram Dass: What isn't God (Classic Lectures)

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Narrated by: Ram Dass
Length: 1 hrs 10 mins
Language: English

Playlists: Ram Dass’s Teaching (Classic Lectures)

From the beginning of his career in the 1960s, Ram Dass’ retreats and lectures have been meticulously recorded and archived. Join this pioneer of engaged spirituality lectures, “This spiritual path uses as its vehicle for transformation our actions themselves,” you can explore your own transformation with direct guidance from this beloved spiritual figure.

#RamDass #RamDassClassicLectures #ExperimentsinTruth #WhatisntGod
This Video is Educational Purpose Only: It is not intended to violate copyrighted material. For enquiries or copyright issues, please contact us at audiobuddho@gmail.com

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Carl Malone says:

Nothing is god. It's made up crap by ancients before they had understood epistemology.

brubeck_108 says:


noah achrem says:

"…..But now a great thing in the street
Seems any human nod,
Where shift in strange democracy
The million masks of God…."
G. K. Chesterton

Evan Mangone says:

Could you imagine who Ram
Dass’s acid connect is?!

bodyoflivingwater (Emanuel Darby) says:

Ram.dass.thankyou… beloved

Kathryn O'Reilly says:

What can one say about that, tell the truth and love everything and everyone, namaste ♥️🙏

Dan O'Brien says:

Brilliant, thank you for posting ✨🙏✨

Nermak Black says:

Thanks for posting this video 🙏🙌🏽

Josh s says:

The sound track is to distracting from the message IMO

Godzi Godzi says:


Nila Vora says:

What a wonderfully wise talk. Thank you for putting this talk on line and sharing .

Patricia job says:

Very precious lecture. So rich of teaching that it needs to be listen mmore than once. So profond that brings peace and calm. Thank you so much univers to bring me exactely what I needed. Thanks to all in shadaws whom make this teaching Côme to the biggest number. Namasté

Infinity says:

We are all interconnected; the observer and the observed.

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