Ram Dass x Alan Watts: The Spiritual Pendulum

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The Love Serve Remember Foundation, along with our friends at the Alan Watts Organization, have curated this special offering – featuring words of wisdom from Ram Dass and legendary contemporary spiritual teacher Alan Watts.

(0:00) What Is Reality?
Challenging the pervasive myth that we are small separate selves individualized within our bodies, Alan Watts proposes the idea that we are far beyond the concepts we define ourselves as. Describing how we stretch all the way back to the big-bang, and far beyond our current state of being, Alan cuts through society’s hypnotizing illusion of separation, inviting us into an awareness of the eternal Universe as our true being.

(6:14) True Identity
Peering through the cracks of the conceptual models of who we think we are, Ram Dass illuminates the ever-present unity that lays behind the diversity of separation. Ram Dass lifts the veil from our identity as a separate being, showcasing instead the compassionate interdependence encased within our identification with the unity of all things.

(12:16) Do You Do It?
Harkening examples from Hinduism, Christianity, and Taoism, Alan Watts elucidates–through the lens of ‘self’ and ‘other’–the intrinsic power encased within authentic trust and surrender. Alan plays with the idea of truly letting go of control and power; imploring that true surrender to the Universe brings about the nondual realization of Oneness.

(19:36) Truth and Trust
Outlining the process of ‘God, away-from-God, and coming-back-to-God,’ as our current predicament as incarnate beings on Earth, Ram Dass expresses how–at a certain point of realization–we can’t help but to begin to steer our lives in the direction of awakening.

(19:36) Non-Action & Wu Wei
Exploring the wisdom behind non-action, Alan Watts interprets the Taoist concept of ‘Wu Wei’ – which he defines as “the principle of not forcing in anything that you do.” Illustrating that non-action is not to be confused with passivity, he explores the subtle nuance of acting without being the actor, falling into natural flow with ‘The Way of things.’

(33:28) Embracing Our Humanity
Contemplating juicy lessons from his disembodied friend, Emmanuel, Ram Dass shares the wisdom encased in truly embracing our own humanity. Expounding the pitfalls of pushing away our incarnation’s individuality by ferociously grabbing for the spirit, he shares Emmanuel’s now-infamous antidote of, “You’re in school; why don’t you take the curriculum?”.

(44:05) Meditation
Explicating the process and implications of meditation, Alan Watts highlights a methodology for becoming ‘interiorly silent and ceasing from the interminable chatter’ of the compulsively thinking mind. Describing the meditative process of moving behind thoughts and symbols to cultivate a direct relationship with reality, Alan surmises that the purpose of life is a song and dance from the heart in the ever-changing immediate present moment of existence.

(50:34) Faith
Illuminating the dichotomy between going-up and coming-down, Ram Dass digs into the swinging spiritual pendulum of finding deep peace in meditation, juxtaposed with the reality of dealing with our ‘stuff’ in the world. Honoring our incarnations, yet viewing the visceral swings of life simply as kaleidoscopic patterns of energy, Ram Dass invites us to play within the binary processes of forgetting and remembering, of getting lost and awakening.

Listen to the original Be Here Now Network podcast episode with introduction from Raghu Markus, ‘Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep 175 – Ram Dass x Alan Watts: From Separation to Unity, Intuition and Trust’:

Discover more from The Alan Watts foundation at https://alanwatts.org/


The Love Serve Remember Foundation is dedicated to preserving and continuing the teachings of Ram Dass and his guru, Neem Karoli Baba.

Find out more at http://ramdass.org

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Sonia Hazy says:


Jimminy Kricket says:

So funny that the algorithm put of all things a "Resident Evil" video game ad of all things in front of this lecture. 😂

Matthew Dolan says:

Sweet talk. I am now thinking of life as delegated authority from geochemistry – early life had very limited scope for influencing development, but have gradually become more powerful with more latitude of action. Now we face having it withdrawn because we forgot the authority.

Peter O'Donohue says:


George Cudworth says:

Ram das was a grifter! Met him and know this first hand… Don't fall for a Cult leader with a silver tongue

Darkz_Beatz says:

Why did ram duss say he got drunk?

Darkz_Beatz says:

Surprising this is my last incarnation on earth since im higher dimensional beings my soul been here for a long time im an old soul im a starseed this isnt my home and never will be my home and my soul will never return here again since im already evolved soul now im going into the higher dimensions i have learnt all my lessons

Amber Fahr says:

Mix in some Sagan and Jung

sterling says:

Love listening to these two, along with Manly Hall. Truly Awake

Mark Estes says:

Abandon self, and become all

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