Ram Dass: You Can’t Have An Us and Them – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 228

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In this episode of the Here and Now Podcast, Ram Dass talks about practice in daily life and answers questions about polarization and fundamentalism, integrating psychodynamic and spiritual techniques, dealing with addiction, and more.

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“And I said I’m not going to get discouraged because I can see that a centrist position, this is a hard one, a centrist position… That at this point in the way the world game is a falling, either everybody goes or nobody goes. You can’t polarize it again. You can’t have an ‘us’ and ‘them.’ It’s got to keep embracing people, embracing people. And I saw that would demand much more centrism than I was used to or wanted from a Democratic president and so on.” – Ram Dass

In this episode of Here and Now:
Ram Dass talks about letting methods of practice such as mantras and kirtan permeate your daily life
Ram Dass gives a detailed response to a question about the rise of fundamentalism in the world, exploring polarization and why you can’t have an “us” and “them”
Ram Dass takes on more questions about integrating psychodynamic and spiritual techniques, the importance of rituals, and dealing with addiction
“I think the tricky thing is for us to integrate psychodynamic techniques and spiritual techniques. Psychodynamic technique says let’s work it out; spiritual technique says let’s get on with it, let’s leave it behind. If you do either one of them to an extreme, you lose it. Hear that one? That’s interesting. It’s really the balance of them.” – Ram Dass

About Ram Dass:
Ram Dass’ spirit has been a guiding light for generations, carrying along millions on the journey. Ram Dass teaches that through the Bhakti practice of unconditional love, we can all connect with our true nature. Through these teachings, Ram Dass has shared a little piece of his guru, Maharajji, with all who have listened to him.

Ram Dass: You Can’t Have An Us and Them – Here and Now Podcast Ep. 228 – https://youtu.be/8bn_ATSyGvs

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 228 – You Can’t Have An Us and Them
– https://beherenownetwork.com/
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Alban Veda says:

Dont be embarrased you are Hare Krishnas, just chant Hare Krishna and be happy!!

EarInn says:

7:56 Ram Dass begins

Bloop says:

So glad that you guys keep pumping these out ❤



Clayton Bartlema says:

Ram dass at 7:55 you’re welcome

Danny Wohl says:

Rated R for Ram Dass

Alex Hamilton says:

Love this until I read about Russia vs Ukraine! Remember we are tribal animals! Humans!

Will Wilde says:


Keenan Kramer says:

wahahah im so early

Massimo Gamper says:

"Don't you see? It' s all perfect 🌸"
So, my human heart is bleeding, of all the suffering i see…but still, i try always to see, it is all perfect.

Thanks ram dass and crew ❤️‍🔥

Лесь Кузьменко says:

✨I Love You✨

Truth2One says:

Can we not have a talker anymore, we just want to hear Ram Dass, with love and respect 💛🙏

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