Ram Dass: Your Vehicle to Liberation – Here and Now Ep. 209

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In this talk from 1987, Ram Dass explores the cusp between form and formless, how he learned to love all the faces of the Beloved, and how our work on ourselves is a vehicle to liberation.

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The Cusp Between Form and Formless (Opening)
Faces of the Beloved (15:35)
Your Vehicle to Liberation (32:25)

“Just what’s on your plate, that’s your vehicle to liberation. If you’re turning away from anything, it’s got you. As you cultivate the emptiness and start to feel safe in the formless, you will be able to dive more deeply into the form. Most people are afraid of the form that are on the spiritual journey, for fear they’ll get lost in it. When you really want truth and want freedom, you need have no fear. You’ll go under for a moment, but you’ll come up.” – Ram Dass

Ram Dass: Your Vehicle to Liberation – Here and Now Ep. 209 – https://youtu.be/XQumia-d7UI

Ram Dass – Here and Now – Ep. 209 – Your Vehicle to Liberation – https://beherenownetwork.com/ram-dass-here-and-now-ep-209-your-vehicle-to-liberation
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She Snaps says:

Thank you so much for these!

Scraghunt ing says:

Bless your heart for this gift, thank you🙏

DL LD says:

Baba, you are a beautiful soul. You continue to share Wisdom, Truth and Love ❤

NKU 2.0 says:

glad I found this

David Lucas says:

Still teaching! Ram Ram

Shivani Batra says:

What an intellect to be able to understand stuff intellectually and also what a beautiful heart who is trying to reach god and be god.

silver reeds says:

I don't know why – I had to stop and laugh when he said-the curriculum is horrendous..

Ankur sharma says:

Ram ram 🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹🙏🌹🌹🙏

Chris Ward says:

4:14 💙

Mkart Mkart says:

<3 I am Loving Awareness <3

ZCasPlays says:

4:14 For Ram Dass, great talk!

Jesus Gomez says:

These talks are a blessing.


We’re facing some dark days in the USA. I LOVE this message! I am right where I AM supposed to be.☮️❣️✨

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