Random Rab LIVE on the Soul Land Music Series: Songs and Stories Inspired by Ram Dass

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On this installment of the Soul Land Music Series: Songs and Stories Inspired by Ram Dass, we welcome Random Rab to the virtual stage to share original compositions that incorporate archived recordings of Ram Dass lectures.

Stay tuned for LIVE AUDIENCE Q&A after each performance!

To learn more about the Soul Land Music Series, visit RamDass.org/Music


Emerging from his own distinct corner of the West Coast electronic music scene, Random Rab offers a powerful and unique contribution to sonic exploration. Often referred to as “The Master of Emotion” his music is patently beautiful and melodic. With diverse influences ranging from trip-hop, classical and Arabic to bass-driven compositions, his songs are considered anthemic and timeless. As a multi-instrumentalist and singer, his tracks are organic, uplifting and stand on their own as a distinct genre.
Tonight he’ll be sharing the spotlight with some incredible visionary artists, including Android Jones, Matt Sand, Hyperspektiv, John Speaker, Emily Kell, Randal Roberts, and Morgan Mandala.
*We are aware that musicians and artists are not able to perform in-person concerts during this unprecedented moment. To that end, we provide payment to each of our musicians for participating in the Soul Land Series. As a non-profit, we also rely on financial contributions to keep the vast majority of our offerings free, including this series.
*Please consider a donation to support this music series, the musicians who are contributing to this community, and LSRF as a conduit for these teachings.

Donate & Enter our Music Series Giveaway:
Text Soul21 to 91999
Visit RamDass.org/SoulLand
*Giveaway rules and regulations are available at RamDass.org/Music – no purchase necessary to enter

Thank you for joining us, and enjoy the show!

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Elthadiya says:

"Love is the light of the heart"

Shalin Mahadevia says:

Great job!! This was awesome

L T says:

Y'all should be ashamed for using ram dass as a catapult for your ego or your career. His face should be on every video not your stupid smug face.

Stefan Rousseau says:

Ram Dass and Random Rab together? Thank you!

Bhawna Sah says:

Jai baba neeb kroli maharaj ji 🙏

Bhawna Sah says:

Jai guru dev

Evan Tsogas says:

Thank you 🙏🏽 🙏🏽💙💙 love 🖼 ☮️ 🎼

Smile Awhile says:

What a beautiful and creative tribute!
I began a search today with the intention of shaking off some negative energy and coming back home to what's real and feeling refreshed.
I had no idea this is what I needed until I landed here.
So much Love and Appreciation to all involved.
Thank you for sharing 💕💞

Sunny Gem says:

Thoroughly enjoying this. Great DJ.

KatiewillGO says:


Niila Vähä says:

Beautiful stuff

Joe Danay says:

very soothing and healing, thank you:)

KatiewillGO says:

Every time I press the donate button it does not work check that please so I can donate thanks guys amazing I’ve shared it with 100 people already

W says:

Random Rab I think you need to refresh yourself on Ram Dass' perspective on forgiveness, judgment and ego. Seeing your comments and hateful judgment in other social media really makes you look like a poser, and just as you were attacking others for using/abusing spirituality as a way to manipulate others for profit, and to put yourself on a pedestal. You're coming across as a huge hypocrite and cultural appropriator.

Sufi-Bhakti Kirtan ॐ ٱللَّٰه says:

Ram Ram Ram Jai Hanuman

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