Sam Harris vs Deepak Chopra – Amazing Arguments

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#Sam #Harris vs #Deepak #Chopra – Amazing #Arguments And Clever
Excerpt from a debate on the question “Does God Have a Future?”| #Mind #blowing #documentary
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Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 says:

Philosophy versus the Scriptures. Philosophy of evolution says the presence of man is 200 000 years old. The Scriptures say 6000 years but only 8 people +/-4500 years after the Genesis flood. Fact = World population is only 7 billion today, but philosophy's myth and legend of evolution would make the population equal to
1 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (1 trigintillion) people on earth and where are all their graves and fossils then???????????? HAHAHA and then that could be even bigger since some suggest 400 000 years when man split from his so-called Neanderthal predecessor HAHAHAHA!!! I believe the Creator and I wont follow philosophy not a chance in 1 to a trigintillion, no Sammy no Deepak!

Gaurab Modak says:

Deepak is too brilliant for the smugs on the stage, the audience and people commenting negatively here. Go educate yourself, if not today, tomorrow you will.

Gaurab Modak says:

our atoms make up 1% of matter and 99% is blank space. Can you imagine what lies in this universe?

PurpleSuicide says:


tubeneep says:

Mr Chopra feels the need to shout a lot – which is very telling.

Gone Fishing says:

The Best way to understand Muslims is to understand what their writings command even moderate Muslims to carry out. Islam is a Cult. Why? Because it’s writings are seen by many to promote criminality and are in fact the source of Islamic Terrorism.

For example, its Writings and traditions clearly advocate killing unbelievers, gays, and apostates, cutting off of hands, limbs, beheading and stoning. It promotes female honour killings, polygamy and practices female genital mutilation – all of these activities are Crimes and all are against the Democratic Rule of Law that our Nations are founded upon.

Under Sharia Law, many feel that the Muslim men are jealous and don’t trust their women. In some Muslim Countries the men encourage their women to dress up in a body bag with two eye holes even though the climate may be sweating hot. To go out without the proper attire could have very serious repercussions for women. The men can engage in cutting off the clitoris of little girl babies. It is often called 'clipping'. And In many Muslim countries, any lady seen with a male who is not a relative can be buried up to her chest and stoned to death.

Under Sharia Law, Muslim men are permitted up to four wives and there are four spaces on the Sharia wedding contract. But women are only permitted one husband.

Under Sharia Law the men can divorce their wive(s) immediately by saying three times in front of a Notary, “I divorce you”, I divorce you”, “I divorce you” and the women is immediately divorced and loses her inheritance she built through out the years of marriage and she loses the right to the children. She only goes out with what she first came into the marriage.

It is not like a Marriage in the Christian scriptures that teach: One man, for one woman, for life. Where both are equals.

Oftentimes you will see Muslim ladies on YouTube appearing to stand up for their faith. I believe that they speak out to improve their lot with the Muslim men. [But of course, certainly in every cult there is a lot of deception going on as well. They have been brain-washed since birth to believe that this is somehow right].

Many Muslim Countries have a poor Human Rights record against women That is why, In March of 2013, the Muslim Brotherhood ‘voted against’ the United Nations 'Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women'.

Islam is not like any Bonafide Religion we would know.

The Leader of Islam (and the model to follow) was a man named Muhammad. Muhammad was a Paedophile. He married a six year old; named Alisha, so he could (legally under Sharia Law) have sex with the poor defence-less child at her age nine.

The Islamic writings declare that Muhammad is also reported to have engaged in sexual Necrophilia with his dead aunt for whom he had a sick, unstable and unhealthy sexual attraction.

So why are Politicians SO short-sighted to coddle this Cult? We would not give special consideration to any other Cult that wants to break the Democratic Rule of Law – just because it calls itself a religion. [Google the Davidian Cult of Waco, Texas].

I believe Politicians are afraid to speak up because (1) They are afraid of being called Racist, Islamophobic or Deplorable and (2) in some cases they wish to buy a block of votes so they can stay in power.

SO if politicians are not going to protect Citizens, You will need to be informed to protect your own family.

Here is a list of the Islamic attacks against other people and religions in the name of Allah from 1970 – 2017:

Governments must recognize that Islam is not a religion of peace but a political ideology bent on the overthrow of Democracy and its replacement with Sharia Law.

There are two types of Muslims: (1) those we call Radical Islamic Terrorists. These are the fundamentalists Muslims who whole-heartedly know and obey the Islamic writings. These writings clearly instructed all followers of Islam to kill unbelievers, gays and apostates.

(2) The second group, are the people whom the Media often refer to as ‘moderates’. [I like to call them ‘secular Muslims]. They are like many people who say they are Christian but have never read the Bible. These Muslims do not know that their Islam writings command them to kill unbelievers, gays and apostates or know it, but it has not really motivated them to do anything about it. But the danger is that down at the local Mosque on Friday nights, some twisted cleric could radicalize impressionable people with the Islamic writings.

Islam has conquered many Countries like Egypt for example. But I believe that Islam will never overthrow the United States. Why? Because all 50 States have successfully passed a Concealed Carry Handgun Bill for all qualified citizens who wish to carry a firearm.

In Paris, just ‘six Muslim Terrorists’ shot and killed 130 people at a concert and casually shot and wounded another 353 people. Had there been a few legally armed citizens attending, the terrorist threat would have quickly and cheaply been neutralized, many lives would have been saved, and terrorists would not have escaped to repeat their crimes elsewhere.

If you are of age, and would like to see the problem that Europe is currently facing with Islam, please watch this short video and listen to what the Muslim men and women are saying on the street. Watch here:

My advice to follow-citizens and Governmental leaders is that they get prepared for chaos. Why? Because wherever Islam has been exported, it has always led to a Civil war between Islam and the Host Country.

Government will have to get tough with migrants bent on jihadism and crime such as the wave of Muslim gang rape sweeping across Europe.

Migrants who cause problems like those in Europe – must be deported back to their home country to a culture that they can relate and understand, and where they speak the language and are employable.

Migrants, who break the Law by harming others, must be imprisoned.

Migrants involved in the direct act of murder and rape or terrorism, must be arrested if possible, or quickly neutralized by authorities if there is no other way to protect the public or Police Officers.

Because Police cannot be everywhere I recommend that Governments everywhere pass a Concealed Carry Handgun Bill for qualified, vetted, responsible, law-abiding citizens who wish to carry a firearm.

A concealed carry handgun bill should be passed to allow law-abiding citizens the ability to defend themselves against Terrorism and crime.

In the USA all 50 States now permit concealed carry for qualified citizens. As a result, violent crime has decreased as permits have increased. (Read. ‘More Guns – Less Crime’ by Professor John Lott).

Why does crime fall when some citizens are armed? Because when a Concealed Carry Bill is successfully passed, Criminals and Terrorists do not know who may be capable of protecting themselves or protecting their neighbours. They are forced to think before they act stupidly.

Naturally, they want to commit their crimes without being hurt. So giving qualified citizens the right to carry a concealed handgun has deterred crime and saved Police Officers Lives in the USA.

On the Internet, if you Google search the term, ‘Citizens Saves Police Officers Life’, your will find 140 accounts of where an armed citizen saved a Police Officers life. As a result of this, when a did a survey of 15,000 Law Enforcers, over 91% said they support qualified citizens being armed.

Please note: I do not support vigilante Justice. I only support Self-Defence and self-Protection. [Anarchy, Murder and Revenge are absolutely wrong]. It is never right. Whenever Police are present, the handling of dangerous situations must be left to them.

But unfortunately, Police normally arrive after a crisis has taken place. So it is clearly better to have a legal handgun in the pocket than a police dispatcher on the phone, when you are about to be killed or raped.

In life threatening situations, Citizens in all Nations must be permitted to protect themselves, their family and their neighbours. Governments must put some trust in their people. In the USA, the people who are licensed and trained to carry a firearm have proven to be the most law-abiding of citizens. They are role models or other citizens.

NOTE: Police will be the judge of whether any self-defence was lawful and if it was not – people will go to Court to justify their actions before a Judge.

Self-Protection is a God given right that must not be denied. Even animals and insects in nature have a God-given instinct to protect themselves and their young.

Islam has proven itself (on a world-wide basis) to be a corrupt political ideology. Once Sharia Law gets established over part of a community or country it engages in extortion and demands that all unbelievers either convert at a point of the Sword or pay a Tax called The Jizya.

Read about the Jizya here:

I suggest that every Adult citizen get the facts about Islam.

Gone Fishing says:

Islam oppresses women! Islam isn't a bonafide religion. It is a Cult based on hate, cruelty, violence and the suppression of women.

Muhammad said that women one have 1/2 the brain of a man. Therefore under Sharia Law, her testimony is only valued at ½ of the testimony of a man and there is no equality under Sharia Law between a women and a man.

Also Muhammad said that almost 100% of women would spend eternity in hell. Even Alisha, the 6-year-old child that Muhammad married (Pedophile) said to Muhammad, "You have made it hard on the women who believe".

No matter how hot it is outside, you make the women dress up in body bags with two eyeholes. You guys engage in cutting the clitoris aka. female genital mutilation which the United Nations has condemned. The think the men do these things because it make females easier to control and they don’t trust them.

The USA Congress banned Female Genital Mutilation in 1996.

You guys can have up to 4 wives but your wife can have only one husband. You can have as many one-hour marriages as you want.

And Muhammad, just like other cult leaders had a history of sexual perversion. He was a Pedophile and not a perfect man. He married a six year old child named Alisha, so he could sexually thigh her and then sexually abuse the poor defenceless little child at (legally under Sharia Law) at her age nine.

Muhammad was a Necrophiliac and had sex with his dead aunts corpse for whom the [sic] man had an unstable, and unhealthy sexually attraction.

Muhammad had about 16 wives, you are only permitted four. So you can legally under Sharia Law, practice Polygamy. Even on the Sharia Marriage contract there is space for the names of up to four future wives. So your new wife must labor under the threat of being replaced by other wives.

And a little girl can be purchased for a wife for approximately $50.00 USA Dollars in some Muslim countries. They can be as young as a new born or two year old. You can sexually thigh them, but legally, under Sharia Law, you cannot sexually penetrate the little girl under she is nine years of age.

What lady in her right mind would want to follow a cult like Islam? But from the time girls are little – Islam brainwashes them into thinking their lowly station in life is somehow pleasing to Allah.

Sometimes you will see the odd woman defending Islam. Why is that? Because they are trying to improve their plight at home, in the Mosque and in the Cult community. So they can engage in what Muslims call, Taqiyya. Taqiyya is seen as an act of jihad.

Graphic Violence Against Muslim Women (90% in Afghanistan).

Here is what the migrant arab men think of white women: On a past New Years evening in Cologne, Germany gangs of up to 1,000 in size, who witnesses identified as Muslims men, raped and or sexually assaulted 512 women and female children. Some were senior ladies.

These were not isolated acts of individual party-goers but a planned and organized attack of Sexual Jihad against women.

That these attacks of Sexual Jihad were planned and organized is evident because on that single evening women were attacked in ten other cities on the every same evening :Cologne, Berlin, Dusseldort, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Stuttgart Germany; Salzburg, Austria, Helsinki, Finland; Kalmar and Maimo, Sweden; and Zurich,Switzerland.

See Islamic Sexual Jihad:

Migrant Gang Rape

The utter disrespect of many migrant Muslim men for white women is apparent all over the world.

If you notice on the Internet, it is rarely the men who complain about Islam. It is always the ladies, who once they escape the Cult of Islam devote their life to exposing Islam even under multiple death threats from the ‘faithful’. [Sic].

YouTube search for Brigitte Gabriel, Nonie Darwish, Anni Cyrus, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh. These brave women are freedom fighters.

Allah is a God of hate and commands burying women caught in adultery up to their chest and stoning them to death. But Jesus Christ is a God of forgiveness and commands us to love and forgive one another because no one, including you is perfect.

Even the Muslim Brotherhood in 2013 voted in the United Nations to "Not" remove violence against women.

Islam is a despicable Cult. You men love it of course, because you are a man. And you can beat your wife whenever you ‘just think’ that she is not obeying you the way you want. .

Some Muslim men have beaten their wives because they were not sexually available or able to 'honour' them. And Allah says that you do not have to justify your beating her to no one.

Islam is a [Sic] Joke As more and more people find out what your Cult teaches, they will leave Islam.

Even the Son of Hamas, the leader predicted the collapse of Islam within ten years. See here:

Islam cannot compete in the marketplace of worthy ideas. So in many countries, conversions are done at the point of a Sword. Apostates, who want to leave the Cult, are threatened with death.

And you men and twisted clerics have the guts to go on the Internet and say that Islam is the very best religion. That it is the religion of peace – But you are deceived. But the problem with deception of course, is that when you are deceived you do not know it. Otherwise you would not be deceived.

Although Islam commands the stoning of women taken in adultery – Here is how Jesus handled the woman taken in adultery in John 8:

1. But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.
2. Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.
3. Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst,
4. they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.
5. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?”
6. This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.
7. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”
8. And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.
9. Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10. When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”
11. She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”
12. Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Please get the Facts on the Cult of Islam. Buy at least one of the following books for yourself, (some written by ex-Muslims) and give copies to your local and federal political leaders, your Police Department and even your public and school libraries:

1) ‘Cruel and Usual Punishment: The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law?’ By Nonie Darwish. Ms. Darwish was an Egyptian Muslim for 30 years. Because She knew that every Muslim is instructed by Islamic writings to be a vigilante and kill apostates under an universal Fatwa, She waited until she was in the USA and under the protection of Democracy, before feeling safe enough to leave Islam.

2) ‘The People vs. Muhammad – A Psychological Analysis’ by International Bestselling author, JK Sheindlin.

3) ‘Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America’ by Brigitte Gabriel (CEO of Act For America).

4) ‘The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)’ by Robert Spencer (CEO of JihadWatch.

5) ‘Infidel’ by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 4.5/5 ratings on Amazon. An ex-Muslim lady who was a member of Dutch Parliamentarian. She survived civil war, female genital mutilation forced marriage, and brutal beatings. Finally threatened with assassination she had to resign from Parliament and flee.

6) ‘Slavery, Terrorism and Islam’. By Peter Hammond. Discovery what their plan is for your Country.

7) ‘Captive In Iran’ by Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh, two ex-Muslims ladies.

8) ‘Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity’ by Nabeel Qureshi and Lee Strobel.

I also suggest that you go on YouTube and search for Anni Cyrus, an ex-Muslim lady with a fine series exposing the Cult of Islam. Also research David Woods on YouTube etc. etc.

These comments are in the public domain. Use freely.

Jasper Newcomb says:

Sam Harris is an a**** that likes to pretend like he's scientific so he can sell books. He walks around telling people he's an atheist because he doesn't believe in God yet he has no proof of that just an opinion and truthfully who doesn't have an opinion? It's the original sin in the Bible the knowledge of Good and Evil which is? Subjective thought born of your ego it's your opinion. So Sam can say there is no God but the Bible says there's no God in this world. Do you get that Sam? Or does that just escape you? What do you know Sam Harris? I mean really come on what do you know? Sam Harris pursues the askinazi fake Jew agenda because he thinks he's smarter than everybody else look back to ancient Egypt you see the Sphinx? Sphynx is a symbol and symbols don't lie the Eskenazi fake Jews that's their Superior mind that rules over the animal body that animal body is the Gentiles the goyim just regular people like me and you we're not human to them we're cattle meant to be bought and sold and used up like a commodity that's all we're good for. See the pharaoh and his symbol the snake on his head that's the source of their Authority symbols don't lie snakes lie Ashkenazi fake Jews lie but the symbols don't lie they're telling the truth. Sam Harris he tell you he don't believe in God but he believes in that serpent all right it's his father. When the Eskenazi Jews blew up the Trade towers on 9/11 they blamed Islam it's part of their agenda to destroy Christianity and Islam so they're fake Jew Zionist agenda can continue to rule the world see they don't want the New World Order they want the old world order it's been that way for thousands of years. America is the New World Order that's why they tried to kill her. And they've done pretty good so far but their days are numbered and they're coming to a close. Israel's fake netanyahu's a fraud the Rothschilds the biggest crime family that's ever been they're fake too just like Sam Harris. In their arrogance they think you're too stupid to figure it out yeah they're probably right but then what makes us stupid? If you're going to battle with an Eskenazi you have to have knowledge because they're stupid they're the dumbest motherfukers that's ever come down the road really you think you can rip off the entire population and never get caught yeah they're stupid all right they know what's coming every parasite knows the price to feed off its hosts and they're no different than any other parasite and they know the price is sudden death when discovered game over.. just because there's no God in this world doesn't mean there's no God Sam Harris you're going to find out the hard way. Hey Sammy are you hungry care for a hamburger meat grown in a dish mmm mmm tasty well who needs God when you got an Ashkenazi Jew telling you how to live what to think how to think where to live little f**** can decide everything about your life because yours is meaningless to them you're just a Slave they write all your laws they control your money they stole your country and your government look at them Liars thieves and murderers that's all they've ever been they believe their chosen you know God's laughing at them because they're too stupid to see what their ends going to be. What is science? Well I say science is the study of things in an objective manner so argument will cease concerning the things we don't know. If Sam Harris is so smart let him define it for you. And if you can prove me wrong do it let's hear your definition of it. I barely graduated high school because I'm not into the Jew agenda where they tell you what all the answers are and condition you to be a Mindless robot and accept their answers so you can go spend your life in servitude to their debt base monetary system that keeps people enslaved forever. Here's another one what is money? Oh I know what it is it's one of those things we don't talk about so you don't find out the truth that's the last thing the ask a Nazi fake Jews are interested in they've made it their life's work to keep us stupid because their con game wont work once you know the truth

lsd25records says:

666 thumbs up …lol.

Ajmal Sarwar says:

Religious people are funny when they pretend to understand 'religious intellects' talk incoherently.

enes.7 says:

Pretentious bunches if u ask me

Speedoflight says:

The bullshit master shouting

MrMojo13ification says:

Isnt there a shot call woo woo

Aaron mughal says:

Sam "woo woo" Harris is one of the smartest sounding moron's ever. For Sam everything must be able to be measured in laboratory. We have been indoctrinated from birth out our consciousness, and our true purpose in this life. Which is precisely the agenda, and mandate of people like Sam Harris. Sam and others like him want to lead us astray, to embrace their Luciferian agenda.

Ted Bolha says:

If the Self is an illusion produced by the universe: we are the universe: then that means death is an illusion:

Al-Ikram Chowdory says:

though Sam isn't a scholer of islam nor Christianity ,he speaks a lot about relogions and sensitive issues and says to Deepak that you are not a theoratical physicist, so therefore you can't say anything about that subject.
what a hypocrite he is!

Mr2TIMOTHY4V2 says:

When two philosophers get going it is all Greek to me. When the Creator speaks from scripture it is all so clear: do this for eternal life or do that and you will die. SIMPLE.

Ken Ciolek says:

the word of God is substance…spirit and truth…urim and thummim…Bibles true People…Give him 40 days to prove himself to you…I Know Jesus Christ is Just….we have a problem called sin…..Bible says without shedding of blood there no remission of sin..we be breaking Gods laws people and that's not good

Charles Griggs says:

This is great stuff. love it.

Pat Thom says:

If I were Deepak, I would nerver entertain a conversation with any of these guys. This is all about putting down someone just because what's being said is above their heads. I don't understand why Deepak Chopra puts himself through this.

zipo dipo says:

Sam Harris is a coward. He hides behind the theoretical physicist.

manzoor Ahmed says:

Deepak just wants to sell his book of bullshit.

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