Self-Image (Neville Goddard, David Hawkins, Maxwell Maltz)

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Flow By Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The Science of Being Great by Wallace D. Wattles (Study Notes)

Letting Go of Limiting Beliefs (Neville Goddard, David Hawkins, James Allen)

The Pruning Shears of Revision by Neville Goddard (Study Notes)

Subconscious Power vs Force (Paramahansa Yogananda, David Hawkins, Neville Goddard)

Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz (Study Notes)

The Seven Day Mental Diet by Emmet Fox (Study Notes)

Bridge of Incidents EXPLAINED (Neville Goddard, Charles Haanel)

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life by Héctor García & Francesc Miralles

Unwavering Focus (Neville Goddard, Paramahansa Yogananda)


John Goldsworthy says:

Thank you. You're one of the best self-actualization channels on YouTube, period.

Om InSpace says:

Since the outer world is a reflection of the inner world, 🌎 Brother Could you please make study notes on the book “Your brain on porn) will help many of us 💯🙏

Local Web NZ says:

Thank you for your efforts my friend. You’re a gem 💎

K. Yvon Julien says:

He always mentions my favorite book 📖 think and grow rich 💪🏾💪🏾

KeepItCrump says:

I freaking love that I found (attracted) your breakdowns

Neema Faustine says:

Force is incomplete and therefore has to be fed energy constantly, power is total and complete in itself and requires nothing from outside. It makes no demand, it has no need…..Thank you Joseph great work

Algarve Portugal Homes says:

Hello from Portugal, I listen to you every day and it's Changing my world, thank you…

Mark G says:

Great video Joseph, thank you for the awesome videos!!!

sinu .. says:

Thanking for all the efforts and gifts to be

Sheetal Jain says:

Thanks for sharing.. Much love & gratitude.. God bless..

Jennifer Halliwell says:

This is good but how does one work with their imagination? Thats what we need a video on Jo. I mean when we were younger it was easy because we had toys and games and you could get lost in the world of play. But without that world now…being adults…how do you completely immerse yourself into the imagination? But I did have an epiphany! And a MAJOR ONE. As I was listening to this I started to look at my life and wonder…what it all represents around me. I had a hard time placing it. I looked at the clutter in my home and wondered "How does this reflect me inside" Well…(something said)…why is there clutter? Because I got things, or bought things. Why did you buy them? I bought them because I was afraid if I didn't get them right then, I would not be able to get them later. So in essence…you acquired these things out of fear? Yes! Fear of what? Well a fear that…if I did not get them NOW I wouldn't be able to have them…when I was truly READY for them. Even though I knew I wasn't ready for them…I wanted to have them for whenever I was ready! So a fear…of…not being prepared. Or ready! Where did this fear come from? The bad embarrassing feelings I felt in school when I was not prepared! So then….the clutter in your life reflects the fear you have of not being ready! Lack of preparation. And how can you bring what is within….without….if you have a fear of not being ready?! Or not being prepared! In essence…the fear of not being prepared is spoken out…..that you ARENT READY! And if you arent ready….then you wont bring what you truly want…outside of yourself. Because you fear not being ready for it! SO my goal….to rid myself of the fear…of not being prepared! If all I need is within…..then I am always prepared! For it is within…that I create. I create preparation…so I dont need to fear the lack of preparation!

Nasivate Blind Lifestyle says:

This video is a masterpiece!

(a) I'd recommend as an extra step – journal your thoughts to identify them and weed them out one by one. – However, understand the quality of thought is deeply rooted in the self-image.

This has only just clicked for me

An example – Of low thoughts when it comes to my fitness:- Thoughts I journaled are…

– I have no food cooked, I'm going to order some food.
– I'm too tired and feeling lazy to cook.
– I'll order some food today and my self-help stuff will make me not eat it tomorrow
– I'll order some food today and quit tomorrow I promise myself!
– I need to order before the place shuts! I'll regret not ordering.
– I am really hungry and If I don't eat it will have serious side effects.
– If I don't order some food and force myself it will cause me to relapse later.
– I have plenty of money, one more order won't hurt my bank balance.
– I'm going to order, and I don't give a f*** about the consequences. –
– I'll order today, and whatever damage happens I can simply fix tomorrow and catch up.
– I feel really ashamed about ordering food, I know it will make me feel awful after.
list goes on…

As you can see, every single thought listed above is just a lie… but to me it's reality!

If these are the thoughts running through my head every day! – "99% of your thoughts daily are the same as yesterday"

Is it a coincidence we take the same actions daily? (In this case, ordering food?)

Notice that these thoughts are all similar – Think of them as leaves and the self-image as the seed.

This is why Joseph bangs on about self-image because once you really influence it, the thoughts that stem from the self-image will be thoughts to help you take action in the correct direction.

hope this helps

A M says:

love what I'm do a great job. Thank you for sharing.💛

01 says:

As an authentic polymath i love this channel, the only channel i ever recommend to others to cultivate themselves, i would love to see you cover William Walker Atkinson, Theron Q. Dumont. i'm confident your subscribers would gain greater insight, as indeed would you yourself.

Paweł Mioduszewski says:

I can't stop listening to your podcasts 😀Thank you again 🙌

Aishwarya Bedre says:

So grateful to you Joseph 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Teresa Rice says:

What if I been at work all day studying for a test from school taking care of kids have a messy house and do not feel like cleaning it then what? Because I chose to take a nap but I wake up to a messy house and it doesn’t make me feel good clutter space clutter mind

Teresa Rice says:

So bringing fourth money? What if I’m getting my degree in nursing using that to bring fourth the money I desire is that even the way or it can come another way

Ann Tierney says:

Is the mood considered the quality of your “vibration”? Abraham Hicks says ones vibration must be in alignment with their inner being in order to bring forth the desired results (manifestation).

Fing Book says:

what u resist, persists

Fing Book says:

check in. my new year's resolution is "play all" on this channel.

Eddie Davis Jr says:

Another great discussion! Love listening to these on my morning walks

Shelia Thurman, LCSW says:

Great video Joesph! You are speaking my language. ♥️

April Lynn says:

I am grateful to have access to this information! I will never take it for granted! I appreciate you! ❤️

Lukas says:

Dear Joseph,
I highly value your insights and perspectives, and I was wondering if you have read/can make a video on the Edinburgh and Doré lectures on mental science by Thomas Troward? One of the most fascinating books I’ve ever read.
Thank you for improving my life!
All the best

Idhu RaishaRaga Neram says:

You are amazing and your love for books,the way u explain the concepts and interlink with your life journey is awesome beyond words..I am addicted to your channel..I would love to listen "Crushing it" book from you..Plz consider..

StarPower says:


james kgomo says:

I spoke to someone about this yesterday, that '' the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). In John 3:3" except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.'' That it's within you but you cannot see it. According to John 3:3 it says "he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."That it's within you but you cannot enter into it. But I must say that I like your expression of the same mind. Thank you Joseph


Thank you so much for you videos. Really appreciate the time you put into them

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