SEX & Spirituality | Mixing Souls | Deepak Chopra MD

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Johanna León says:

Only you pay for sex to the prostitut

Johanna León says:

Every partner is different

Johanna León says:

The sex is a expression of love and has to be natural and sweets

Johanna León says:

I only have sex whit someone who love me

Ryan Fredrick Scalercio says:

Is orgasm the same as senlightenment and if we can orgasm eight times in the way the light travels would that not be a way of enlightenment

victoria Martin says:

I am a twin flame and my own masculine IB and also in that spirit around me and we had sex spiritually when his Spirit comes to me sometimes when I'm in the shower or laying down or sitting on the couch his Spirit his Spirit just do that to me

Deviprasad Pothireddi says:

Pray God Krishna, to avoid interest on this(sex), after it's purpose (sons or daughter), else "old age come soon" . Do not waste seed of man. After feeling god( practical spiritual knowledge), you don't have interest on opposite sex. As Krishna devotee I experienced the same ( it took Many years for me), if you could not leave , do the same action for Krishna, recollecting Krishna in your action , you action will be purified. One day you will leave that action by Krishna grace ( same said chapter 12) Om tat sat. As well wisher of all humans

Little Witch says:

3:17 I love how as you are listing off the wondrous feelings of the universe, a beautiful smile begins to form on your face, as if your body is alive with those feelings 🙂 I remember reading your book "Fire in the Heart" at age 14 before my mom passed away (she recommended I read it that autumn of 2006) and I did a whole school project on your book in art class in 9th grade! That book changed my life…until my ego returned a year later. I think its time I go back to that book and read it again, Deepak! 🙂 Also in 2008, I was rummaging through my Mom's old cookbooks, two years after she passed…I was very overweight and unhealthy and malnourished. I ended up finding "Deepak Chopra's cook book!" that September and fell in love with the Coco Bliss smoothie. It was then at age 16 that I realized that food can actually nourish your body instead of just consuming it blindly….So its almost like I grew up with you – a long distant family member I never spoke to, but was connected to. Thank you, Baba! 🙂

owens dollhouse says:

Thanks and much love xx

Brian Otieno says:

Sex is mixing of souls and therefore exchange of energy. Energy is emotions. If a soul has negative emotion within their energy field, be sure that will be shared with you; for example anger, jealousy, lust, manipulation etc. After the sexual passions die down, only then will you realize the energies transferred to you when they start manifesting in your reality. For spiritual aspirants, it is important to keep your soul clean. You can't know what energies (mental/thoughts/traumas) one is carrying from their past that are lying dormant. It is important to know an individuals past and also their thought patterns by observing what they talk about and what they are drawn to in manifest reality (As within so without/ as above so below).

janet warner says:


Victoria Sethunya says:

I agree with the sacredness of sex. Are there any variations in this dimension as far as parties engaged in sex. For example when a woman has sex with two or three men or ten mixed sexes engage in this activity does that have an enhanced or reduced or other dimension of sacredness than would be perceived from a woman and a man , a man and a man or a woman and a woman? Thank you for your time Dr. Chopra.

Pradeep Kumar says:

Perfect .

tHE wHITE hOT mA mA'SS says:

Dear Dr. Chopra, i was sexually damaged by antidepressants that my doctor prescribed. 1st of all sexual side-effects was not explained to me. I had no idea that meant no orgasm. i thot that it meant impotence for men. No, it's also no orgasm for the woman. And you never get it back as good as it was before you were taking them . When i told this to my doctor it was poo- poo-ed out the door and disregarded and nothing was done to try to reverse the effects of the damage. i was just left this way. I know because it is my body that those drugs caused brain damage. And on top of that they never helped with depression or insomnia which is why they were prescribed in the 1st place. Now after seeing a sex therapist sex is mediocre at best. The physical sensation has been degraded to the point were sex is just a sad thing. And this is terrible because i didn't know these drugs were causing me to have sexual problems so i left the love of my life. The problem wasn't her, it was the drugs…… i just wanna die ;(( Now i have been alone for 13 years. Altho adamantly seeking a partner for life.

Marshall Martin 1 says:

Should we avoid sex to build spiritual strenght

Justin Chiodini says:

Sex is a completely healthy act when not acted from the consceptual mind.
To be with the feeling without any concepts or roles which are thoughts.
Role playing in sex can be fun, however if it becomes ego based where there is a dominator and someone to be dominated this just makes both parties phsycologically sick with the ego of shame and the burdens of personality.
Alot of the times People project their
Egoic pain into sex, and use it as a form of power grasping.
It's important for you're overall emotional well being to be conscious about what space you are coming from during the entire act because the egoic pain can easily hide in the sexual passion and when acting on only leaves you feeling, empty, ashamed, attached, restless to name a few toxic emotions.
The highest form of love is mutuality and equality.

Krissii Drake says:

I agree I thought I was crazy to feel what I've been feeling but I know my intuition is telling me to tell it flow

adam DiRe says:

Isnt it a well known fact that a woman often experiences the greatest sexual ecstasy whence the passion ramps up for example as a form of controlled aggression applied in
harmless yet stimulating ways?. The pulling of hair, bum slaping, and the like? Isnt this why women fantisize to "be taken" and become bored with otherwise devoted and loving partners, and even cheat once in a blue moon to avoid divorce! Ps I know youll ignore my questions, I just write them to give others some food for thought.

adam DiRe says:

Where does the need for playfulness fall?

Orlando says:

Are we sexually bound to one person?

Sabrina B. says:

Sex goes beyond the ego and is most peoples ONLY form of meditation. No wonder everybody is so about it!!!

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