Shouldn’t We Live As Simply As Possible

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Eckhart discusses spiritual awakening as it relates to two aspects of life: the acquisition of things, and the activities we engage in. Liberation, he explains, depends upon your inner relationship to what you have or do.

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Eckhart Tolle is widely recognized as one of the most original and inspiring spiritual teachers of our time. He travels and teaches throughout the world.

Eckhart is not aligned with any particular religion or tradition, but excludes none. His profound yet simple and practical teachings have helped thousands of people find inner peace, healing and greater fulfillment in their lives. At the core of his teachings lies the transformation of individual and collective human consciousness – a global spiritual awakening.

Eckhart Tolle is the author of The Power of Now, a #1 New York Times Bestseller, which has been translated into 32 languages and become one of the most influential spiritual books of our time.

In his most recent book, A New Earth, he shows how transcending our ego-based state of consciousness is not only essential to personal happiness, but also the key to ending conflict and suffering throughout the world.


TupacLebt ElvisNich says:

Well, eckhart tolle is a multi millionaire, so I wonder if he cares about money and property. I really like his way of thinking, but I guess he is not so free of ego he is telling us to be…

Stella Serena says:

Thank you Eckhart 💖 ✨

Stefan Schneider says:

For now it is like a little seed that slowly broke the earth above and grows like three inches out of it.
It is easy to be trampled down by a furious and out of fear insanely running herd of cattle (which seems to be the actual state of society).
So it needs protection, to be able to grow and unfold, to grow big and strong so that the herd cannot trample it down anymore.

Also, if you are between, among people who are totally caught up in the game, meaning very asleep, and you are not strong enough or fully awake yet, you got easily dragged back into the game again. Falling back to sleep, forgetting, that you once knew better.

So far, not only forgetting the light, but even forgetting about what could be forgotten.
Not only forgetting the way out of the cave but also completely that there is a world outside of it.

Starting again to worry about all kinds of stuff, to follow believes again, to think to know what’s right and what’s wrong. To cling on, therefore become serious again, thinking that it matters. Forgetting that the dream can never hurt you or anything.

Michael Cummings says:

his dna line wont permit him to answer the ? trully….

Augusto Oliveira says:

I could call this as "Reasoned faith upon the exact measure of importance of materials things". Excelent video! Thank you, Eckart!

Thomas casidy says:

He's basically saying, its nice to have nice things if you can afford and appreciate them. Just don't become to attached to them. You're not taking them with you.For me it's not about having a lot, its about having minimal but quality things.

Dean's Life says:

That's how I feel about the working world, it's all about being fast and have x amount of skills and duties to achieve and if you don't you are let go from the company. I am currently unemployed and I have adhd which makes working hard, as even though I focus on jobs i've had, i can still make to many mistakes along with not progressing in the job in terms of my learning rate. I am a slow learner, due i believe to adhd. So it makes things very difficult. I look at job adverts, and i'm overwhelmed by the duties, so many are things I haven't done and won't like along with them not being the right job for me. I am struggling to find the right job. I recently started doing meditation and yoga daily.

River ofWisdom says:

I feel that this article was read by deeper I than normal I
also today thanks to Eckhart and thanks to Utube and You~~

Edin Hodzic says:

You can have eveyrthing a boat, car house money etc and be unidentified with them and really enjoy them, but also have nothing but a stick and be identified and suffer when it dissolves. Preception is the game. Be the light, no matter the situation you are lighting up.

Blast000 says:

If you truly want to be free, then stop following these charlatans.
A truly enlightened person doesn’t give speeches to multitudes about platitudes…..

Blast000 says:

Why is this clown mesmerizing so many morons?
Better yet, why are there so many morons following this clown?
The answer is simple: it’s a mutually serving codependence.

Bargo Lyr says:

He's just TOO EXPENSIVE for you

reuireuiop0 says:

3.20 : His publisher has to really read the book before pressing !!

krisztián póth says:

Only one question:How can you stay so youthful?

G.V. Ajay says:

The questioner asked a very good question, shows he is well read and a serious seeker …

Kirk Barkley says:

E dging G od O ut

Jayaram Putisari says:

As mr. Tolle said my aim too is to get less and less attached to things around me in due course. I do involve in activities and try to posses things now with the intention of creating order and congenial atmosphere atleast to a limited space where scope for further unselfish/ spiritual development arise in future. It doesnt mean that i am too entangled with things in the mean time. I do keep a distance but not to the extend i would like to as yet. Thanks for your enlightened view on topics.

Silvia E Caballero Vazquez says:

How to change this mindset????

Einstein says:

Freedom is Nothing have to lose !!

Dap Dne says:

Solomon talked about buying big things for vanity sake. The attitude is the thing I would agree. Also insanity of dead lines, right. Even the name suggests death😱😵😮😝. When it is ready whatever IT is yes, sounds right. All things come to him who waits. Bible. Wait for it. For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven. Even a time to be born and a time to die!
Buying, we have to figure out what we need and what improves our personal satisfaction. In can express our personal "karma". If it doesn't I guess we should leave it.

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