Simple trick to Manifest Anything Fast- By Neale Donald Walsch

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@AlejAllem says:

Who is this gentleman?

@gregorycoleman5757 says:

I have become poor by giving, I have given my money and not gotten what I was supposed to get, usually a drug deal so Im poor and the dealer is richer 😢😢😢😢

@RobertMedina-vy7np says:

All praise and glory to god

@paolalancellotti929 says:

agree the example is not really the best

@mrherron7755 says:

I gave a lady 20 dollars yesterday and lost 500 on the crap table. Maybe I shouldn’t have sexualized her after giving her the money 😔

@flyingoctopus6328 says:

This is the most 90s thing

@victoriamihai2239 says:

I love that

@melissagennis9744 says:

Awesome very true

@Etherealvibbes says:

That's the key for sureee. ❤

@billyd1444 says:

Who’s is the guy? What’s his name. Does anyone know?
Please enlighten me 🙏🏻🫶🏼

@aligreen1462 says:

you'll find those people pretty easy

@walkerpercy8702 says:

C'mon man.

@onenessornoneness9692 says:

If you want to experience abundance Be abundant.

@mtths369 says:

The universe is a giant 'mirror', it reflects what you do, that's the '.law of karma'. The way it works is the following: The universe is thought, everything is thought. The more 'observers' think of you as rich and giving, the faster you'll become rich. This includes yourself, so first you have to convince your subconscious mind that you are, and have, all what you desire. Brainwash yourself!!!!!
And then have patience, every thought will manifest, sooner or later. Do not look for evidence in your reality.
Be grateful for all your blessings, and you'll get more to be grateful for!!
Right before you fall asleep tonight, address your higher self/the universe/god/… and WHISPER: "Thank you higher self/universe/god/… for showing me my abundance/prosperity/health/happiness/love/(or whatever you want to see more of). Repeat 1-3 times, then sleep. Trust the process.

@LuisPerez-rc6od says:

This is the most stupidest thing ever

@6slapplays931 says:

How we find milf's 😊

@leverage2279 says:

It wont work if the giver feels more desperation while giving..

The deed does not matter. The feelings matter.

@linncorson1287 says:

Who is this?

@febionline says:

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), said, “Charity does not decrease wealth, no one forgives another but that Allah increases his honor, and no one humbles himself for the sake of Allah but that Allah raises his status.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2588

@debbiematthews1089 says:

I love you ❤

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