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“Conversations With God” has been transcribed into many languages and is a best seller through out the world. Neale Donald Walsch wrote this best seller along with many others.
Walsch says the books are not “channeled” through him but rather he is “inspired” to write about God and God’s views on human life.
Walsch has many views on Indian Holy Man Sri Sathya Sai Baba, as you’ll discover with this interview.
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: Ed McMahon ( AFP ) is not ( PCH ). says:

Conversations with God trilogy book forms is not an inspiration it was a DICTATION Neale took by APPOINTMENT for many years. HENCE it is titled Conversations with God an uncommon DIALOGUE.

Dan Chaney says:

Thank you for this jewel! Much love!

greg furtiere says:

what was that humming sound in the back ground,probably beelzebub ready to sift old Neil like wheat.

Andy Wagner says:

Dear Souljourns and Representer of this clips , why !!! there are never videos on such sides like these here about Smith Wigglesworth, Charles Ndifon, TL Osborn, Todd White,Reinhard Bonnke,K.Kuhlmann… people where God works really magnificient with power and love. Jesus the Lord is here never named. It makes me doubt. Please tell me why, because the spirit of truth lifted the name of Jesus always high !! But it seemds to me the spirit who talks here don't like this ??! please answer 😉

Eve Wolf says:

Conversations With God was published in October 1996. Was this book written before your accident and before being homeless? I remember reading most of your books in the 1990's. I absolutely love them and they have expanded my awareness so much.

Aaron Davison Music says:

Wow! What a great teacher! I was so inspired after I read
Conversations With God that I wrote a song based on the book called
“Who You Are”. It’s on my channel if you want to check it out.

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