Sound Meditation for Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer

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Sound Meditation for Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer. Use this meditation every morning to manifest a divine relationship, heal your body, overcome an addiction, lose weight or attract abundance – whatever it is you would like to manifest, suspend all doubt and begin each day with this 20-minute ancient sound meditation. Find yourself feeling lighter, clearer, more centered and focused, and you’ll also begin to see manifesting in your world what you concentrate on during this meditation.


HayHousePresents says:

Free, guided sound meditation for manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer

Theresa Guinasso says:

This is absolutely amazing if you are energetically ready for it. Years ago
I was using this same exact audio to do this and had a very strange
experience because I was not ready. My throat began to bleed and a medical
intuitive knew I was doing something without having said a thing she said i
was pulling up the Kundalini energy and I wasn’t prepared. She teased me
and said, “oh honey, we all step in the spiritual doodoo sometimes.” Just
saying it can be helpful to exercise care and a bit of caution when
practicing powerful processes like this.

Lolita Hunter says:

Wonderful meditation! Absolutely fantastic. <3

Mercedes Niebla says:

Words are perfect… the sound have to be more soft.

Pam Hutchins says:

What a great experience, on day two and feel amazing. I love the feeling
of the vibration running through my core. I love Wayne Dyer

Dale Wise says:

What a gift! I was just telling the Universe I wanted a morning meditation!

Jennifer Goulding says:

Sound Meditation for Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer:

Frank Scherer says:

I need the Evening Mediation 20 mins on here..thanks

gm c says:

What a kind and generous gift for us all! Thank you everyone!

Gastón O. Monserrat Suarez says:


Bee Rain says:

Sound Meditation for Manifesting by Dr. Wayne Dyer:

cr8luck says:


Janet Smith says:

Daily meditation x

Madelen Muriel says:

thank you!

David H. Paul says:
Debbie Reynolds says:

This was so needed at this time for me! Thank you Hay House and Louise
Hays and Dr. Wayne Dryer!

boo king says:



This is a fantastic way to wake up. Thank you for posting it and just in
time for the new year too! I pray many people take on a new habit of
peaceful meditating in 2015. Namaste. 

Kimberly Lea says:
Linda K Dray says:
Kimberly Lea says:

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