Spirituality 2.0 (How to Set Yourself Free) – Teal Swan –

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At a certain point in our spiritual development, we are confronted with the fact that the very things that once liberated us are now the things that holds us prisoner. We realize that in wanting to feel better or think better, we are asking ourselves to feel and think and be different. We discover that by trying to feel better or think better, or be better, we are resisting ourselves. And then the whole game changes. We leave behind the desire for manifestation. We replace all wants for the want for oneness with ourselves. We stop wanting to heal because it no longer feels good to think that something about ourselves is broken. Instead, we begin to crave integration. The spiritual apex we begin to pursue is authenticity. Authenticity is an idea that appeals to us when we begin to live in the present moment. We fall in love with what is.
And so, we trade the practice of going in the direction of what we want and chasing our positive emotions for the practice of going the opposite direction. And we begin by dropping into our wounds. We spend our time being with those unpleasant emotions and sensations and feelings with a listening and caring ear. We are present with ourselves with absolutely no conditions. We do not want to change the way we feel. We do not want to make the negative sensations and feelings better. We simply give them the attention that we never gave them before, back when we were so busy running from them with numbing drugs and distraction and endless self help techniques. We stop arguing against them. We become present fully with them and by doing so, these aspects integrate into our being. We learn that the reason we suffer so badly from anything, is not because of the thing itself, but because of our resistance to it. We learn that when we no longer resist any aspect of our being, when we let ourselves fully feel our feelings and fully think our thoughts, and thus we let ourselves fully be ourselves in this very moment. As a result, we become whole.
Ask Teal Website – http://www.askteal.com
Kuan Yin’s Mantra (c) 2002 Lisa Thiel – used by permission http://www.sacreddream.com

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❤ Teal’s web page: http://tealswan.com/
❤ Teal’s Meditations: http://www.jointeallive.com/meditations/
❤ Teal’s eshop: https://gumroad.com/tealswan

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Brad Haas says:

You can only create the life you want if you slave labor hard enough for
fake money printed out of thin air. The “You create your own reality” is
purely nonsense. It’s already been created for you for the most part. If
you’re fine living in a fantasy world that you create, then fine. Enjoy
living in your cardboard box.

Graeme Glendinning says:

she has much insight for sure, but i also lean toward Abe hicks teachings
that we were mEANT to feel good, we didn’t come for the struggle and we can
HAVE, Be and DO anything, although few of us seem to be able to impliment
these teachings, myself included. regardless of how insightful she is, i’d
like to send her a virtual hug/positive vibration, when she experiences
emotional sadness, not to remove the experience from her, but to let her
know she IS supported.
Thank you for your openess

Psy Qui says:

You want to be free? FOLLOW yourself, think for yourself. No Master can
tell you something you don’t already know.. once you realize it then you
are free. Now fuck off politely ;)

Loretta Laz says:

Teal.. I love you and I’ve been watching you a long time… Please don’t
take what I have to share as anything other than my sharing an annoyance –
and actually this is the first time I’ve been annoyed with your video and I
am trying to figure out why.Let me start by saying that I believe you are a
realized person quite far down a path of enlightenment/awakening… and I
value and respect your sharing your journey and insight with us. That
said… it is the wearing of the clothes that make you appear as an Indian
guru that is unsettling me. It likely wouldn’t if you had studied at…let
say the Isha school with Sadhguru – then came back to share your
enlightenment, however I don’tt think that is the case. looking like an
Indian guru just feels so contrived to me. As I said, I DO feel you are in
a stage of realization, but is this a conscious thing to appear looking
like an Indian guru?. I am sorry to have had to share but it was really
irritating me when there is so many other good things to take from the
video. and with that, thank you for sharing..

goforitrandy says:

I just empty my mind of thoughts and focus on things that make me smile in
the moment…I don’t see the need to focus on the past unless you can learn
something from it…If that is wrong I am gonna keep being wrong because
for the last 10 months I have been happy every single day instead of living
in constant FEAR and worry…I’ll take joy every time…I have already
experienced all the negative crap I care to experience for over 50
years…This 2.0 does not make sense because if you are a negative human
being you are saying to be who you really are “NEGATIVE”, no way…That is
not changing for the better, that seem to keep you stuck in the mud of
where you are… I am going to have to think about this some more because
this is way out in left field for me…

Owen fox - Living an Empowered, Conscious & JOYFUL Life! says:

perfect msg really, all in all. eckhart tolle all along teaches to accept
this moment, and your feelings, completely as they are. they helped me
enormously, and this is part of reason ET is so popular. simple, powerful
teachings that work.

Joe Rand says:

*There will be no true spirituality, survival, equality, life, light,
justice, love, peace, morality or wisdom without the truth of life you can
check yourself. There is no other way to go.*

*If your’e a truth seeker, and want to know what life has inside of itself,
make sure you go to truthcontest•com and read what “The Present” says

Mireille says:

One of the most beautiful insightful messages in this channel

Scot Campbell says:

Thank you for this Teal!

Sedona Star says:

Hi, Teal! Thanks for all your inspirational talks. You are a very wise
woman..But then, I’m sure you already know that. ; ) If you have time, I
would love clarification on the following point you’ve touched upon in this

You mention something related to the law of attraction in this video that
reminded me of a concept with which I struggle. Like you, I tend to believe
that our minds or our subconscious beliefs can and do shape the world as we
perceive it. But I struggle with the proposition that every experience one
has is a result of his or her own beliefs (conscious, subconscious or
otherwise) when so many painful experiences or events befall unsuspecting
victims who nonetheless feel that pain.

For example, you mention in this video that a person’s feeling pain when
being hit by a car occurs because this is what the person expected to feel.
But what about people who feel pain from accidents or incidents that they
did not anticipate or of which they only became consciously aware upon
experiencing the resultant pain (e.g., a person realizing she was stung by
a scorpion only after feeling the sting, or a baby, not having any apparent
preconceived notions of pain associated with guns or dog bites, nonetheless
experiencing the pain/physical injury of being shot in the leg during a
drive-by or being bitten by a dog while sleeping, etc.)? Are you suggesting
a baby that cries after being stabbed only felt pain because it was
expecting to feel pain from such a stabbing before the latter occurred, or
that a person shot in the back by a sniper only feels the pain of the
bullet because somehow she expected it? It’s hard for me to wrap my head
around this one… Thanks, Teal..And thanks to anyone else who might have
some helpful insights on this point. : )

lonely lemonade says:

embrace the bad and feel it intensely. dont abandon those emotions

Canada thedot says:

this is too real stoppp

C-los M says:

The idea that we have been taught to suppress our dark self means we are
not complete. The world only promotes the bright self and it teaches you
when it’s ok to be a certain way. It does this with the pretext that we
need to respect the boundaries of the others but it doesn’t necessarily
work this way. Those that are taught to suppress themselves for the sake of
the others are marginalized. Others have the right to express their
frustrations, but not you. It’s best to stand up for yourself and do
exactly what you want to do, without the care of the world at hand. Not to
be ashamed of who you are. Don’t negotiate with your emotions and be
yourself to attend your needs and be able to function and be clear.

Vladislav Kostin says:

I gave it some thought.. May be there is no need to separate between those
two perspectives (“101” and “2.0”) because those who “are not ready” will
take it as if first step is wrong and wanting is wrong. But may be everyone
is ready if we put this in a more straight forward way. If we say that root
and result of all suffering is self rejection, rejection of present moment,
of our natural self and all it’s aspects.

It does not contradict existing teachings, it goes hand in hand with them.
It is about releasing the resistance, and we have been taught it so many
times, but most of the “spiritual community” does not understand resistance
fully. And here comes your 2.0, but it is in fact part of 101. If I
understand it correctly.

Escaping. We are escaping our selves. You put it brilliantly, we are
willing to be with ourselves only when we are happy. Now I can see it.. And
there is no controversy as it appears at first and may be everyone is ready
to realize that their desires are often driven by wanting to escape the

Now, desires.. Not always desires holds resistance. This universe is based
on us having preferences, every choice we make including the choice to have
no desires is made because we prefer it. Even source itself has preferences
otherwise it would just be, remain one, but it created separation within
itself to explore itself. You can say god has desires.

Thank you for this beautiful video, it helped me realize a lot. I hope I
understand what you mean. I think most of the people are ready to realize
and let go of resistance and resistance based desires, without resistance
🙂 The key is to put it in words they would understand without creating
another resistance. “Desires are wrong, I’m gonna resist my desires!” vs
“My desires are attempt to escape myself, I’m gonna integrate myself” We
are ready :)

Nirjhar Bhatnagar says:

Woow,…! I have been following your teachings from few months and it led
to some deep understandings of my life,…But i never saw u cry or
broke…what happened there…..!
..though i understand it’s ok to cry and let flow..your blocks of feelings
and after that you are more evolved spiritually ..and learned that if some
one does something to you bad than……that means that smae thing happend
to them too,…and they are living in their reality but by letting them
go….you are changing your own reality, Where you decide what the world
look like not the world decide what you looks like.. 🙂

~ ✌ peace big sis..peace ✌~

~✿✿ namaste ✿✿~ 

phoenix rises says:

why dose she look like she is being held hostage? 

Barbara Dunn says:

I feel lost, too much contradictory in spiritual world. Finally, I will do
watever I want with my life.Even if it’s “wrong”.There is no such thing as
a “wrong path”,there is only experiences. Then I am free.

Samuel Alder says:

wow, great video teal! I was skeptical at first, but you really simplified
all of this! 😀 Thank you.

Stephanie Bruce says:

how does such a young person have so much wisdom? so much intelligence,
eloquence. are you where you want to be, Teal?

DanielleeeeK says:

This may sound like weird comment,but can u feel our vibrations through the
comments or internet? Is that possible ??

krafty1708 says:

Is there someway I can download 2.0?

PhilBo says:

this is by far your best video ^^

MiantCub says:

Upon learning of 2.0, 101 sounds unnecessary, and 2.0 sounds remarkably
like decomposition, and you’ve already said that it’s an undoing.

J Cuso says:

I think I know what Teal is saying. I went, well going through a really
really bad time. It hurts but it’s ok the hurt i feel is ok I haven’t run
from it I haven’t hid from and haven’t denied myself from feeling it. And
I like who I am right now before this happened I really wasn’t the person
I knew I could be. Or Maybe I have no idea what Teal is saying and I have
it all wrong!

oh2love4love says:

love you!
i saw those emotions coming.. bless you dear one <3

Dallas M Brown says:

Couldn’t sleep did this had amazing lucid dreams then dreams within dreams

Rebeca Shelley says:

Wow! Teal, Thank you!!!

Elizabeth Sadhu says:

Oh yes, she totally gets it!!!! And a lovely super intense cosmic sister
goddess she is!! My first experience with her. Wooohooooo! ALL I
want…….is to know I AM perfectly divinely fucking awesome!!!! wahe guru
wahe guru wahe guru Thanks

Fofo Gavua says:

damn, what a profound video

Mare Alexandru says:

Thank you

benedict nweze says:

hello Teal, i like your videos and am just beginning to listen to it. i
will ask questions when am done listening. thank you

MAIA SingerSongwriter says:

your 2424th like I <3 it, so true,best video I´feel this so much, love fr,

B-Bard4sure says:

TY Teal. <3

Shashini Fernando says:

It works yes it does! Thank you very much for the video. This is the best

Missy Conley says:

I agree, people will use their brain to rationalize any
reason…pinball in and out of dead ends until they have beaten themselves
black & blue, to keep from going back into their dark/shadow selves. I know
because I have been resisting for a few months now even though I know
there’s only one TRUTH…that acknowledging and FEELING/SINKING INTO those
sad dark places in yourself that YOUR truth will set you free.
I started off with Abraham Hicks too. Your friend was right when they
said it is spiritual TRAINING WHEELS. It is, in fact, spirituality 101.
Sorry to say and whether you like it or not, you can TRY to create what you
want by thinking positive. The Universe will toss you a line, set the hook,
and start reeling you in. Source will give you a taste of creating your own
reality, but you will bottom out. You’ll hit a brick wall, just like I did.
Then good luck, think positive all you want, because until you revisit your
darkest truths and sink into them, you’re not getting shit. Sorry folks,
but by then, like Abraham says you are in too deep, you already know too
much. There’s no going back and you’re now in The Vortex. Enjoy your
ride!!! There’s no climbing back out now. But would any of us wanted in if
we knew that we had to deal head on with our icky crap?? Come on now, the
world needs more SuperHeroes, and we can’t have any Kryptonite laying
around when it’s time to kick ass!! After all, look at what Teal had to
muster the balls to admit to the world. That takes applying the masculine
energy, the logical part of us that knows we cannot go any farther without
freeing ourselves from our heavy burdens. Let’s literally lighten our
loads. Let’s raise our vibrations faster than ever! Tell your truth to
yourselves first, sit on it, feel it…then release it to others who can
and will benefit from knowing there is someone out there who will know
there is someone out there that’s been through what they have. We will heal
together as brothers and sisters. And all you assholes who don’t believe in
Law of attraction, just keep thinking what you’re thinking and see where it
gets you. Watch slowly as people all around you slowly get everything their
hearts desired. Go ahead, try to resist. Know we will be here when you are
ready. We have all been there done this. It’s called coming along kicking
and screaming (resisting) or getting on voluntarily. I’d rather be on the
leading edge myself!!

Pietro Valentyne says:

“…move beyond wanting. This is where most of our spiritual teachers are
falling short. The Buddha included.” So Teal has put herself above the
Buddha here. It’s unfortunate that she has made this kind of statement
because it shows she does not understand the heart of the Buddha. This
“spirituality 2.0” Teal professes is primarily concerned with balancing the
emotional body. The emotional body is one of the coverings of soul which
allows us to interact in this universe as a separate entity. Meditation is
the key to spirituality. Defusing wrong thinking and ambivalent emotions
leads to calm waters. And when the waters are calm, the reflection of
Brahman, or “Source” becomes clearer. 

Ichiiego Ichiiego says:

Your so trueee, keep going 

aebarco says:

I am so glad you made this! You do a magnificent job teaching! Thank you!

MeWantFoodNow says:

every day i’ve paid attention to all signs.. everything.. everything.. i
don’t want to say anything. this is it the spot

MyMindIsMatter says:

You’re stressin’ me out Teal..

SysAdmin86851 says:

No, offense, but I can’t watch this anymore it’s too painful. But I think
your genuineness is heroic… peace be with you! :)

Shri Buddha says:

u are really beautiful, Have a good life :).

Romy Karlen says:

Teal if you can or have time can you tell me what you think about Abraham
Hicks ?

Carmenstie says:

this touched me so deeply! thank you.

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