Spirituality and Identity – The Listening Heart

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In this installment of the Listening Heart, which is a continuation of the lecture entitled “Healing Spiritually”, Ram Dass answers questions concerning the concept of selfhood. For part one, visit: https://youtu.be/Nv5USHbQ7F4

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Amanda Mclurkin says:

🙏 genius

OfficialGOD 👁 says:

Ram Ram 🙏❤️

Stephanie Melton says:

Ram ram ram ram ram ram ram

creative nation says:

राम राम राम राम राम

Lars Hedberg says:


HeAleR says:

I don't know why I am writing this or why am I here, but still somehow bouncing video to video I reached here. Since there is no one to talk here with me , I am putting it here…. I am lost in life, darkness all around , can't focus on anything, future is dark as hell and each moment I am losing interest in living life itself. I don't know what my actions are going to be, I just can't see myself existing coming year. F my life

jen d. says:

Mygod does anyone feel like they are in a direct dialogue with Ram vis a vis Youtube algorithm? I have a SPeCIFIc QuEStIOn come into my mind, then not much later I come on here to a random video and that very question is answered.
This morning I was feeling dismayed by my lack of progress in face of some big hardships in my life (as in why am I lost again and again in the anxieties) and while the world would say what I am facing is huge, I know the circumstances are not what’s important but how much awareness I bring to them.
It can easily sound like metaphysical babble but Ram is literally speaking directly to my pain and joy right now.
Anyone else?

Robino says:

What year is this from?

Robin Doeve says:

Though he might no longer be in his physical body, Ram Dass always knows exactly what message to bring at the exact right time💖

Min Peace and Love says:

I'm so angry 😭 ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram 😭 ram ram ram

Dylan Housego says:

Ram ram ram

debi lenhart says:

"I am loving awareness" … blessings master Ram Das 🫂🙏

Johann Aguirre says:

ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram ram

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