Spirituality & Conspiracy. What's Going On?

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Since the start of the pandemic there has been an exponential growth in all-encompassing conspiracy narratives, with the viral success of the ‘Plandemic’ documentary trailer being the most popular example.

In particular we have seen traditional right wing conspiracy narratives combine with traditional left wing alternative, spiritual communities.

What is this new phenomenon, and what is causing it?

In this film in Rebel Wisdom’s Sensemaking series we try to understand the nexus between spirituality and conspiracy thinking.

Playlist for the Sensemaking Series is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCA7IL3lkxbKVfUTc5k6reae8lHTDSZXO

Link to Spiritual Emergency book by Jules Evans and Tim Read: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Breaking-Open-Finding-Spiritual-Emergencies/dp/1912807696

‘Conspirituality’, by Jules Evans: https://medium.com/@julesevans/conspirituality-the-overlap-between-the-new-age-and-conspiracy-beliefs-c0305eb92185

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You can listen to a podcast versions of our films on Spotify or Apple Podcasts by searching ‘Rebel Wisdom’ or download episodes from our Podbean page: https://rebelwisdom.podbean.com/


Gaby Maass says:

I hope you don’t mind me saying but I feel you need more female intuition and heart in your very interesting video. For me being truly intelligent needs a bit more than mental/psychological analysis. I would find it more interesting if it would actually include the analysis of real facts going on right now, for instance the real pain experienced by some humans that has being inflicted by abusers of power. I think you need to include and respect the heart of human condition more. Include more women experts that aren’t so much in their heads and perhaps also some victims of sexual abuse or those that have lost their children in Africa to corrupt vaccination programs. And then you will really brake the line between a conspiracy theory and what’s really going on spiritually from a truly compassionate place rather than just a mental analysis. We all need to feel our pain in order to stop projecting our shadow out there. That’s exactly what the ‘dark elites’ do; they project their darkness outside, they live in fear and want everyone else to live in fear like they do. To see through the illusion we need to feel. Theories and psychological gymnastics aren’t of any value anymore. Feel the pain that some others; abused by the powers of the stablishment are experiencing right now and then you’ll now what is true and what is not true.

carmen Saiz says:

😂 😹 Nothing new…
Really it seems that the collective mind is ridiculos… Profesionales are not anymore profesionales…
so Yes is all a kind of megaLies and in between some people are speculating about " Spirituallity"…
Or even "consciousness "…
How people can speak about the spirit if they never meet or know the spirit? Since they ve being given all kind of names… Names can't content or explain the reallity of feelings, neither the spirit
🙏 Turning in with no narrative may help to experience
Your own truth as all what is in you is in all 💚

Josh Bowe - Art Work says:

Enjoyed that, thank you. Probably my biases, but this video immediately made me think of this quote from Nietzsche –
"Had we not approved of the arts and invented this type of cult of the untrue. The insight into general truth and mendacity that is not given to us by science. The insight into delusion and error as a condition of cognitive and sensate existence it would be utterly unbearable. Honesty would lead to nausea and suicide. But now our honesty has a counter force that helps us avoid such consequences. Art has the good will of appearance, as an aesthetic phenomenon its existence is still bearable to us And furnishes us with the eye and hand, and above all the good conscience to be able to make such a phenomenon of ourselves "

P G says:

Academic-sounding disinformation.
Intellectual pollution.
Justified true beliefs are not so easily hijacked by your consensus-reality-sense-making.
Watch the knowing-derision in the Weinstein interviews . Like other true intellectuals, they’re not amused by the incompetent pretense.

evakpetersen says:

It may be commendable that you have brought to light the subject of spiritual emergence & shadow work, but all you really do in this video is give us a classic example of "privileged white man enlightenment", & proven to us just how much of a protected little bubble you exist in.

Sunday Morning Mass Radio Show says:

you know for one time I just don't feel your vibrations to resonate with me.. lol you're being just as David in his younger are.. lol !

James Gill says:

I think that what we're seeing is an ingenious synthesis of individualism and collectivism . . . that compromises neither. In fact it strengthens both. Exactly what Rose Wilder Lane talked about in "Discovery of Freedom." I read that book for the first time recently and understood that it was much more profound than people seem to realize. 😊
The "Little House" books (written by Lane's mother) act as a sort of key to understanding Lane. Heinlein had the same insight, and his boy's books often feel very much like a "Little House" story (especially Farmer in the Sky).
This can also be read, by the way, as THE Christian insight. 😊


Jennifer Grove says:


angelawakened says:

You know, I was going to buy your book, as I agree with a lot of what you are saying, but by the end of your talk, I was angry with you for being so bloody naive & ignorant! You & your colleagues are suffering from a spiritual version of the Dunning-Kruger effect! I am retired now, but my former work was as a victim advocate & counselor for women & children who'd escaped from 'coercive control' cults & sex trafficking rings in a number of countries. I have seen the dark side of our world & I know just how deep the evil goes, & I can attest to you that our world IS being run by a cult of billionaire pedophiles whose entire modus operandi is based on the deep deception & 'thought control' of the masses on a grand scale. I am also a lifelong spiritual aspirant following the path of self-awareness & enlightenment. I have had many profound & divine experiences that have confirmed to me the oneness of all creation & the supremacy of consciousness. I have also done – & continue to do – my 'shadow work'. I absolutely agree that spiritual emergency is 'a thing' & that ppl project their shadows 'out there' if they don't do their shadow work, & I have spent decades of my life confronting & bringing down cult leaders & sex offenders (often the same ppl), as well as run-of-the-mill spiritual narcissists who believed they were 'the one'. The fact that you have not done enough deep research into the reason why so many people around the world are crying 'conspiracy' & are just putting it down to the fact that "people haven't done their shadow work" is a blatant form of spiritual denial & compensating for your own ignorance of whats really going on. Please get more informed about the true nature of the reality you currently live in before deeming yourself 'fit & knowledgeable enough' to preach to others about why they "shouldn't be outraged by evil", but should just do their "shadow work instead". Pulease!!

angelawakened says:

Question: Why is it that the great enlightened teachers throughout history have told us to DEFINITELY question consensus reality, because it is 99% illusory (when seen from the grander scale of things), & to, in fact, question everything? In this presentation you, on the one hand do acknowledge the existence of certain dark conspiracies & deep corruption, you then go about labeling people who have woken up to this fact as having some kind of mental illness or 'flaw''?? I myself have experienced more than one spiritual emergency in my life, & I understood when I went through the "mind of God/you are the one" experience, that it was a sacred private experience to be quietly integrated on a deep inner level only, & not to be touched by the ego mind or externalized, & I have counseled others through this experience to keep them grounded & in their right mind also. But using that to explain away people's outrage at the obviously extremely corrupt & conspiratorial establishment, as if they wouldn't be outraged if they were more spiritually balanced is frankly intellectual & spiritual hubris.

Kolmir says:

Conspiracy "Theories" may serve as a very low-resolution explanation for things like for example Multi-Group-Selection, a very competitive (even psychopathic) environment we live currently + forced erroneous/utopian neoliberalism (e.g. multi-polar traps), and failed understanding of shadow side of human nature, etc.

s o says:

"choose whatever you want!" but since you picked the doll i will make a video and we will celebrate

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