Spirituality of Atlantis part 1 of 25

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Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilization was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the battle of Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt. Through all civilizations and with inspiration from extraterrestrian guards the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all political systems with an educational mission. The thrilling documentation shows for the first time the secret activities of a brotherhood in relations with invisible masters from Shambhala and Agharta and the secret about the hollow earth
Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed. A part of the Atlantean brotherhood’s secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and in Tibet. The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind during the dark age…through Atlantean knowledge and through all ages. In modern times the Freemasons, Templars and Illuminati brotherhoods were formed. After World War I the Neutemplerorden and Thule society emerged in Munich and Vienna. New occult sects which saw ‘satan’ in the old Freemason lodges. With Hitler these occult sects came to power. This thrilling documentation shows for the first time the background of the Third Reich and its intellect which led to the catastrophy of World War II
Atlantean secret knowlege tells us the legend of mankind and those souls, who have to undergo cycles. With the fall of Atlantis a gigh civilization cycle had ended. All prophecies and more recent Earth changes point out that today’s mankind has reached the end of the next experience cycle. Up to the year 2011 the most serious Earth and climate changes, earthquakes, social and political changes have been predicted. This thrilling documentation shows the prophecies of ELIA, the returned prophet and his message on the last days, Christ’s return and the space Brotherhood
Milleniums have passed… since the high culture of Atlantis sank with a catastrophe through power abuse of some corrupt scientists. All humans of that time, who also experienced the descent into the dark age, are being reincarnated today. The thrilling documentation shows the return of the Atlantean light children and allows deep insight into the role of the lightworkers and brotherhoods of Atlantis. It shows why some souls reincarnate today and act as environmental protectionists, therapists, artists, esoterics etc. for the healing of the earth. Addresses also the Space Brotherhood events–11:11, the hollow earth, Shambhala and Agharta.

http://www.youtube.com/user/Ashatur IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, I will try to answer them, if not go to that channel

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LERKAI says:

is this a scientology video?

daniel987878 says:

@BankOFganja We dont know if we ever will know. Doesnt mean we definetely
will never know.

SovereignBeing says:

i cant believe how accurate and comprehensive this is .. wonderful find..!

Chris Schiff says:

like that lol. Anyhow I came across this chick last month that said the
same thing and now I heard a few people declare it too. No such thing as
coincidence. Something very wonderful is going on in our time and the
future appears to be bright haha. Anyone going thru this and if so how long
til I get my full memory back? Love Schiff.

BankOFganja says:


TimeEnergy Money says:

God isnt here 4 an explanation of things, thats 4 science God is here 4
LOVE. Jesus may have lived, may have been just a story. Its the MESSAGE
that is the most important. Always put out Love-positive energy & its up to
US 2 put out that positive energy. I only need God 4Love. U still need
science 2 explain everything, figure out the truth, continue to shape our
beliefs & knowledge. All LOGIC. God is just a supplement LOVE. Thats it. I
hate religion btw. go here: truthknowledge. com

Henrin says:

And mythology is a way of dealing with things you don’t understand. But
guess what? Many of those mythological beliefs are now understood and so
there is no need for mythology. Religion does the same thing. It says: “Wow
a mystery! Lets keep it that way!”. Lastly just because religion is OLD,
does NOT mean it is TRUE. Because a story that belongs to dogma constantly
changes means that that dogma is weak and false and therefore useless. It
means NEW theories are needed. POST-THEISM buddy.

Chris Schiff says:

of her. I want to save the world lol, no more disease, famine, free energy,
no money save animals and tons of other things. I feel helpless at times
and everyone thinks im crazy when in fact I feel the world and all yous are
crazy. I feel as if I am suppose to do something major in the near future
and I feel major things will happen too this planet in the next year to 4
yrs. I said to my self a few months back that ” maybe we are our ancestors
reincarnated from atlantis ” weird for me to think

ninjafretshadow says:

i really enjoyed this whole seiries.well done.it’s how i imagined early
civilization.where we all are now is a stagnation.we live only in our
dreams & movies/books.cicilization is a recycle machine now.we can learn
from this movie.

SpookeyR says:

You’re wishing me inner peace, something that you obviously don’t have!
You, seemingly, won’t be happy until I am sucking back the lotion, like you
and college boi, and giving Mr. Paul your brand of fellatio! Well, that’s
not gonna happen! You see Barack Obama is the best candidate to be
President of the United States and I am voting for him. I am a republican,
registered & all since I was 18, but even if the election came down to Ron
Paul and John McSame…

Jules. Verne. says:

The Entrance of The Oldest Lusitanian-Celtic ATLANTIDA-GALACIA PORTUGUESA,
Lies its Entrance in South Western Spain but it does NOT belong to ANY
Spain at 9,600 B.C.E.just after the last European Ice Age of 11,400 B.C.E.
ATLANTIS of PORTUGAL lies its Entrance Now being Excavated & North of the
Mediterannean-ATLANTIC Tectonic Plate in South Western Spain.In 2,121

Jules. Verne. says:

EARTH GEOLOGISTS Must Inspect Our Oldest Island of the AZORES,9
ATLANTIC-ATLANTIDA Island Peak Summit Mountain Rises up above the ATLANTIC
OCEAN,THE Most Southern Temperate Warm 22Celsius Island of St. Maria is NOT
like the Rest of the AZORES.GEOLOGISTS,I too,Wrote my Earth Geology
Examinations.You KNOW Geologists,that when an Island has NO Volcanic
Peaks,But is LUSH-Green with Mountain Hill Peaks SummitsSharper
Granite&MetaMorphic Rock Mountains,it is of a LOST CONTINENT to fit Plate

John Reese says:

You people are cetified evil douche bag mother fuckers, I swear this shit
makes me want to fucking puke.

Henrin says:

This is a very beautiful story – it is indeed – but it is also wrong. Very
and deeply wrong. Watching it for entertainment purposes is fine with me,
but take extreme caution in believing this “information”. If you are
wondering why I reason this way, the answer is simple: there is absolutely
NO evidence to support ANY of the claims/”facts” this video makes. and any
evidence that is presented either already was or will be proven FALSE under
lab. testing. (cont’d)

dpmduran says:

This stuff has been known, but to the ignorant sheep, they use the tube to
be themselves. Why even bother to watch?

SpookeyR says:

Thanx stalker! Who’s the “Creepyhole” now?!

SpookeyR says:

You apparently like the taste of that lotion almost as much as Ron Paul
does… I’m fairly certain that any malevolently designed movie by any such
developmentally stunted ignoramus, such as yourself, is a movie that I will
never see. And why would I? It feeds the conspiracy theorist of what they
crave most! Justification!! I’m not going to entertain such a notion with
someone who belongs locked away in an institution somewhere, my mentally
unstable stalker!

IchKommeAufJotunheim says:

Ahh. Well then I suggest if you are going to insult people then you should
be prepared to be bothered. Otherwise do not make the attempt to bother
someone and expect them not to say “wtf”. A religion can be defined as a
set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe.
And even Atheism attempts to answer that just like all religions.

avithemostill says:

u can prove aliens exist. as we are proof of intellegent life forms on a
distant planet

luckyboy1113 says:

interesting view, good upload

SpookeyR says:

LOL, I didn’t get to all of your vids & comments, you sociopathic stalker
asshole, but I will!

John Reese says:

Hey, I overcame all polarities (whatever the fuck that means), I guess
kleeborp was successful. Fucking mission to mars meets scientology NWO
bullshit history. The fucking island was detroyed for a reason.

Chris Schiff says:

I will put this out to anyone with advice or has gone thru what I am for
the past year and can shed some light on this. For almost a year I have
gone thru an AMAZING spiritual/intellectual awakening. Things that blow my
mind wide open and expanded my consciousness and awareness wide open. obe,
astral travel,alien beings, visions and downloads of ancient writing like
egyptian or sumerian, number codes, beings, faces, places, events, tons of
different pyramids, some HUGE, some glowing or beaming

SpookeyR says:

Not as much as I want to shove my thumb in your eye psycho stalker! That’s
the minimum treatment that you deserve!

rsridhar says:

Story is full of bull. Many images are stolen from the hindu epic
“Bhagawatham”. C#@P is all i can say.

SpookeyR says:

“truthful Ron Paul” LOLOLOLOL..LMAO!!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha That’s funny!!

Jules. Verne. says:

ATLANTIDA-PORTUGUESA,ATLANTIS of Portugal.2 Words have Survived PLATOs &
CELTIC words “GRAVATA=Tie” &”TAVERNA=Tavern”.Why? It is because People of
the INTERNET,BOTH GREEKS & PORTUGUESE West of the Pillars of Hericules(Rock
of Gibraltar) brought GREECEsGODsPOSEIDON& ATLAS for PEOPLE!

tobiaskelvin says:

seems like our earth is a recreation of things happened before, like they
say in this tale : the earth is like a library for cosmos. Library ? guess
not with books. note : as above so below, they made kind of a living
library, where the ancient story’s come along. Not our story’s where just
the actors.

heyfukyouu says:

how do the people in the middle of the earth survive all that, like, heat,
and pressure, and the solid iron core responsible for the earth’s magnetic
field, and magma, and… oh yeah, never mind, they’re aliens, they can do

Lost8Wizard says:

❤ L㊉VE ₣R㊉M ŦħE ħEARŦ ❤

BankOFganja says:

well we dont know anything about creation, so we cant automatically label
anything we hear bull, religions and people may think they know how things
got created, but we will never truely know

Henrin says:

First, I am not a dumbass 😀 . Second, I am not religious in the way where
I give up the rationality/reason of my mind by believing in some
supernatural/paranormal/ “spiritual” dogma with absolutely no factual
basis. Therefore I am not criticizing my own religion. Third, religion has
NOT been here for 2000 years, its been present throughout civilization for
MANY thousands of years(try since 10 000 bc), please open a history book.
This is because religion is mythology. (cont’d)

only1too says:

so… we were created by “alien” beings from the “galactic
federation”(Spock anyone?) -not by God from the earth which He created but
from primitives and planet that were already here- to be biological bodies
for the displaced souls of the exploded planet lucifer(!?) to possess!?!! &
who created these guys? “man is appointed once to die- then the judgement.”
Jesus THE Christ NOT just some “ascended master” This is the measure for
discernment: no reincarnation only the fallen re-need new “hosts”

circusboy90210 says:

alien beings are probable and they are our gods.

tobiaskelvin says:

i think atlantis is just a story, wich fits into our reality. does not mean
it is in our reality, just a good story to learn from.

SpookeyR says:

Not if my thumb in your eye! Then it will be *sob sob blah blah blah poor

boomer krew says:

Womp womp Comment to someone who actually cares to argue with your lack of
knowledge&negativity. Namaste

Sroek says:

How are you certain?

only1too says:

@64amped their “dogma” is all encompassing of every & anything that suits
anyones rationale/trip; “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the
gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be
which go in thereat: 14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” “Not every one
that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but
he that doeth the will of my Father”

infamos says:

NWO is all setup to receive their “christ”, Lord Maitreya(look at Tibetan
flag) he will bring peace to the world during a time of hardship(ww3), then
he will help us evolve to 5th dimension(new age crap)to love each other,
then he will have WOMDs, guess what he’ll do? . By the way they have to
mass sacrifce human life to cause his incarnation, Holocaust, Hitler was
setting up NWO, 1000 year reign funded by Prescott Bush and Lucifer
worshipping Freemasons etc. Gd luck all, don’t be deceived.

devacangel53 says:

Very amazing and informative video. I can’t wait to see them all. Blessings
and light, Renee

SpookeyR says:

Correct, but they are both fictional. Scientology and the story that this
video displays are both mythology.

Sroek says:

Scientology is a business based on fictional novels, thus has nothing to do
with this video.

poketpossum says:

i dont think this video is talking about religion. but how other beings
like us in the universe that were missinterperated as gods or god. this
isnt scientology, but history. probably the creators are bioengineers and
biologists making the perfect race and are studying us as an expirament. we
are called homosapiens for a reason and were dissproving that we are
homosapiens. which means wise man. if we could stop having problems in the
world we would be a sucsessfull expirament? lol i guess…

Henrin says:

first, this world was never and never will be “free”. second, the ppl pay
something called a tax, which is then collected and allocated to many
projects within society. third, the only distortion of information is that
which you are viewing in this video. ANYBODY could have made up a story
similar to this and stories gradually evolve over time, with the plot
changing over many years. this video is utter bullshit and you are letting
your mind get taken over by false facts. i hope you are aware.

grinmaster2002 says:

We are barely scratching the surface of it all

Jules. Verne. says:

CELTIC words “GRAVATA=Tie” &”TAVERNA=Tavern”.Why? It is because People of
the INTERNET,BOTH GREEKS & PORTUGUESE West of the Pillars of Hericules(Rock
of Gibraltar) brought GREECEsGODsPOSEIDON& ATLAS for PEOPLE!

Albus Fay says:

And there is no such thing as supernatural or paranormal, because of a
limited view of reality certain abilities might seem supernatural, but in
reality they are just as natural as what you believe is possible. Open your

SpookeyR says:

Yawn, you ignorant son of a bitch! Death to Ron Paul!! Your revolution is

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