Staying Present

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Staying present is an ongoing practice, explains Eckhart, which can be supported in ways that include following the breath, becoming aware of sensations in the body, and by cultivating “the Observer.”


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hard2kill16 says:

How to Stay present with anxiety ? I notice that I feel weird even though nothing bad going on. Im a high sensitive person, and all I want is staying present with anxiety and worries!

Liam Oleary says:

Can you imagine eckhart going on a date with someone who doesn’t understand the notion of being present, the uncomfortable silences would be unbearable, even though it’s not uncomfortable for eckhart
Don’t think he would be great at speed dating lol
I love that dude

Kevin Morris The Healer says:

My mind feels at peace even when i listen to Eckhart talk,…never mind trying to be present in the moment, my mind feels like its having a vacation learning to be present in the moment….relief is felt ,practise makes perfect.thank you

Nick Name says:

What we experience as reality is a projection of our consciousness within consciousness. Consciousness is not a part of us, located somewhere and somehow in the brain, nor is it the result of complex physiological processes in our body, reaching somehow a ‘critical threshold’ on the way to self-awareness. We are a ‘physicalized’ fragment of our Higher Mind, the size of a fingernail (Bashar), sent out to go to sleep and dream a reality dream in a projected 3-D reality environment which we take for real as long as we are ‘in life’. We chose to have an incarnation inside the projection room of the 3-D reality cinema as the limitations of linear space-time allow us to have specific experiences when exploring our theme in life, thus discovering a new aspect of us while struggling with self-imposed tasks and challenges. On our ‘physical plane’, we are constantly shifting through an infinite number of static virtual reality frames, billions of times per second, thus creating the illusion of time, movement, and continuity, similar to the projection of a film strip to a wall or in 3-D in a cinema.
For a successful projection of what we think is ‘our incarnation’ various levels of consciousness have to work together. Starting from the level of the oversoul, which is on top and thus No. 1 in Bashar’s nomenclature, it is the individual soul or spirit, which comes second (2), then the Higher Mind (3), the template reality level (4), the collective automatic mind (5), the individual automatic mind (6), and further down the beliefs (unconscious physical mind) (7), the emotions (subconscious physical mind) (8), and finally our thoughts at the lowest level (conscious physical mind) (9). In this context it is important to understand that with regard to our physical mind, which is composed of beliefs, emotions and thoughts, it is the beliefs which are on top, followed by emotions. Thoughts (and the resulting acts and behavior) are the lowest level in the hierarchy of the physical mind. All levels are required for the successful projection of a single life incarnation and all levels are expected to work hand in hand in a concerted way.
The structure of existence, however, already exists. It never changes. What ‘changes’ is the experiences we have when living the physical life in the 3-D projection room, immersed in the illusion of time and space while shifting through an infinite number of static virtual reality frames. Every possible aspect of ‘reality’, every action, every idea, every thought, every combination of colour, every invention, every piece of music already exists. We cannot change or create it. And we never do. By using the tools and requisites offered by the pre-existing reality structure we are given the chance to experience our own action, create our own version of (pre-existing) timeless ideas, having our own version of a thought which has been already thought by an infinite number of persons, play with colours in a specific way which is uniquely ours (and thus new), make inventions anew, which have been invented over and over and over before, etc.
Thus, by the specific way we go about in experiencing the structures of existence which are already there, (have been and will be forever) we are creating experiences which are new and unique. And they are eternal. This is our specific contribution to the creation of All-that-Is, of which we are an integral part and which we are made out of. On the way down from the top level (oversoul) the soul can be compared to raw, unfashioned clay, which is then formed and burnt in 3-D (inside the matrix), endowed with a new and unique set of experiences which are ingrained and imprinted forever. The specific experiences constitute the ‘added value’ the single incarnation on the ground is ultimately sending and communicating back to the higher levels as spirit (formed, burned, and finalized clay as opposed to the raw, unburned clay of the soul) up to the level of the oversoul and beyond to All-that-is. Our life experiences are our specific, unique and eternal contribution to creation, which can never be erased or annihilated. Nor can our ‘I’-identity.

norton wayne says:

Woah, I went into the present state and forgot I was watching this video. I always wanted to know why Eckhart laughs when referring to people that complain will not receive yet his followers are usually complainers – they're generally complaining about how crap people are and life is. It is even better when he never replies.

Michael P says:

The Wise ol Sloth

Daniel Weeden says:

One thing i do not understand is if Eckhart refers to the teachings of the Buddha, why does he not refer to the instruction of the Buddha more directly. That is to say why doesn't he encourage people to sit a Vipassana ? Obviously he did / does not need to do this as his revelation happened very rapidly. He acknowledges this is not the case for most people and that they need to work at it. So why not encourage them to work at it in the way the Buddha suggested?
It is a bit like saying I developed huge muscles overnight. I am pretty sure most people cannot and will not manage this, but i want to help them grow huge muscles. However I will not encourage them to go to the gym to grow muscle mass!

Bruce Wayne says:

The father of humanity.
So glad I found him in time

matthew king says:

awesome teacher & teachings

Baba Best says:

Love . Lots of love . ,♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

Kirstin Strand says:

Some days of high anxiety I don't even want to be present…is this some sort of pain body?
On days like this I am my own obnoxious person.
It's a reactive episode, that's it. sigh…

Lidia Mansur says:

How can somebody dislike this?

MaxVidyStudios says:

10:47 presence intensifies..

William Delong says:

Slow down!! Why do you rush around so much. It's like a passenger on a beautiful cruise ship who races around the deck of the ship thinking it will get them to their destination faster. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. Next time you are walking slow down too half the speed. Notice how you become aware of yourself as opposed to be lost in thought. When you reach for something reach at half speed. You become aware of yourself in a new way. We are so heavily conditioned from birth that you must reject everything and examine yourself ruthlessly. The voices in your head will tell you to run hurry or you will be sorry. It's like a man passing a stadium full of people. There is a football game going on people running here and there and they throw you the ball and scream RUN!!! RUN!!! You try to explain you dont under stand the rules or even want to play but they keep screaming RUN!!! RUN!!! and so for the rest of your life you run,run,run but you never seem to be happy. You get the new promotion but the happiness doesn't last. You say I will be happy when____ fill in the blank. I get married,divorced,make my first million, become CEO, yet the thrill never lasts. The only way to be truly happy is to be in the here and now above time above thought. Then for the first time in your life you will have all the answers to all the questions. Like the Buddah who finally reached enlightment laughing and crying at the same time. Laughing because you realised how foolish he had been and crying because he realised how many are stiil prisoners of their own illusions.

William Delong says:

There were two children playing in the sand making castles. One of the children became depressed and started crying because he wanted to be a king but his castle got washed away. The wise man pointed out his sadness was due to the illusion he could be anything but a human being. When we wake up from our illusions in the here and now we acquire kingly consciousness and the world falls at our feet because we want nothing from it. All eyes watch as you pass because you don't seek approval from anyone. The world can never foo youl again because your not fooling yourself. You can be happy no matter what happens because you go with the flow if life which is always in the NOW. Your lover leaves your business partner steals all your money yet you consciously speaking because the word is not the thing are unaffected. Your sense of self is not caught up in it. You are truly free.

William Delong says:

Whenever you listen and watch a speaker ask yourself is this person acting. Watch them carefully even as they walk off the stage. If they get to the parking lot and freak out because their car got dented forget everything they said. You can be aware of thought but you cannot think about awareness. Keep your mind where your body is because the body is here and now. Can you walk away from yourself. To find yourself you must lose yourself your ego self which is the false self locked in time and thought. Stop being falsely kind you just do that to get what you want from somebody. See yourself as you truly are stop pretending.

Daniel Forrester says:

Forget the past, you cannot change it.

Forget the future, you cannot predict it.

Forget the present, I didn't get you one.

Goood Koooshh says:

"Speed: 1.25" enjoy! I love him

Talha Ahmed says:

Secret to staying in present without doing anything: "I must be thankful to the Creator for whatever is happening in life" —- No need to unravel complex mechanics of how life works and why it is working, being appreciative, true, free from entitlement is the key here

Rudy Rizza says:

whenever i am struggling to stay present, i go and watch eckhart. he has a very calming atmosphere that helps bring me to the present.

Bruce Wayne says:

When the truth is heard it resonates, thankyou , I also recommend mooji and Krishnamurti also on YouTube

albert hinkel says:

Is this the real Eckhart Tolle's account uploading the videos or just another youtuber who calls himself Eckhart Tolle?

Beautiful says:

Put it on 1.25x speed

Gustavo Avilés says:

OK, so this definitely feels like an impossible plateau to overcome for me, I can easily quite my mind by focusing on my breathing, or focusing on my sensory perception of the world, also by focusing on my inner body, but if I want to supress the stream of thoughts without focusing onto anything, then that I just can't do, I think you have to be some kind of deity to pull off something like that.

Mat Tricks says:

he should do some yoga 🙂

yashwanth venkatesh says:


M Sergiu says:

He's not always slow. Good for….

Gwyn Jones says:

spiritual master with such a gentle soul. Brings great peace.

Laura Smith says:


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