Stuart Wilde Grey Aliens Disclosure in ET the Movie

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Steven Spielberg did the world of children and even adults a devastating harm and disservice with his ET film.

Stuart Wilde says It established the misinformation that the Greys are cute creatures for children to have in one’s home as pets, and best friends. ET and dolls of the Greys are in millions of kids’ bedrooms now.

The buggy-eyed Greys are drones manufactured in a mechanical hell world, like the mechanical world of the Squiddies in the 3rd Matrix film.

They are linked (manufactured by) the inter-dimensional reptiles, that seek to intrigue children and abduct human minds and souls into their evil agenda.

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EnergyDynamics says:

everybody remember! there is good and bad in everything. every race. every item, every "thing"!! as long as your brain is in duality, and doesn't activate the corpus colosseum, you won't be able to comprehend wholeness, only through your heart. so don't think of this. jus feel it

Get rid Of Money says:

When was this interview? He is no longer alive here sadly

ChandRoshniGuy says:

Great show.

ChandRoshniGuy says:

I knew it. The little grey bastards are reptilian. Demons.

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