Stuart Wilde Healing

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Stuart Wilde Purple Hands Healing
Photos and sound track are from his website, For those that could not be there, this may help to experience an inkling of the blessing he is giving to us.
He has done over 4,000 healing now. Read some of the results


Viking12 says:

so beautiful… transcendent

Dodie H says:

Thank you!!!!! 🙏🏽

Graziana Barsocchi says:

Thank you so much Cecil! I "discovered" Stuart Wilde a few months ago and I'm totally addicted to his words. I hadn't seen this video, nice addiction to my practicing of energy healing. Love and Light

Improvisatichannel Music says:

This is great! Miss this guy so much. 

Cecil Ming says:

Bob, Thank you for the comment. I too feel blessed that he spent the time to give of himself to all who would accept it. Fantastic on your healing. Stuart is still my favorite teacher as well!

bob dole says:

thankyou so much for this i also had a miraculous healing from Stuart, chronic pain that had plagued me for more than 10 years was gone in 2 seconds it astounded me no painkillers, doctors or alternative therapy could touch it. he did more than 4000 in total, i feel truly blessed to be amongst those he helped. he was my favorite person, miss you bro.

Cecil Ming says:

I agree , he is around. His energy transcends time and space.

Tara Greene says:

I am so grateful I went to see Stuart last year in Las Vegas and received two healings form him and one form Kris Krepcik. I am missing Stuart but he is around and you can feel the energy in the video.

Cecil Ming says:

That's great, Thanks for the feedback!

Maria Luna says:

There is definitely something going on with this healing. It got me centered and in a different space after 1 minute. Thanks!

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