Stuart Wilde ~ The Little Money Bible part 1

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Little Money Bible – The Ten Laws of Abundance.

In part 1 and part 2 of this wonderful little “money bible”, Stuart Wilde presents the ten laws of abundance and money, showing us that we can align effortlessly with good fortune.

Stuart reveals the psychological aspects of the money game, as well as the deeper, esoteric secrets of prosperity. He reminds us that comprehending the ebb and flow of money in our lives is one of the great spiritual lessons of life, as are physical balance, love, and interpersonal relationships. Throughout history, philosophers and great religious leaders have taught that there is divine abundance, which ebbs and flows through our lives in the same way that the seasons do. Money is just a symbol of the infinite goodness that gave us life.

Basically, Stuart lets us know that we can be rich and be spiritual. With wealth, we can firstly make sure that we don’t struggle with the day to day running of our lives and that we have an abundance of the things we need and the experiences we require in order to grow. Then continuing on from that, we can go on to help others strengthen themselves so that they can also accumulate money. Abundance, Stuart reminds us, is our birthright.

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Martial Arts says:

why does he speak in competitive and literal terms at 56:00 rathdr then in spiritual / …?

Heart Angel says:

Wow!what an eye openar..thanks for your insights great one☺💟

Elaine Moore says:

Don't listen any further, easy, breezy..

Inner Beauty - ConsciouslyFocusedEmpowerment!D says:

Stuart Wilde's (British Author) The Little Money Bible Audio Book Part 1. What can I say you will have to listen to it!   Miracles also written by Wilde is very insightful and pragmatic, as it is witty and funny.  ConsciouslyFocusedEmpowerment!D

Ergo Therefore says:

lack of money is root of all evil !!!

Elaine Moore says:

The Bible is about spiritual abundance/prosperity and the heart mindset to have it..

Elaine Moore says:

Spot on!! These are principles not religious dogma, this is where people are confused by conditioned society. I am non-sectarian and will not adhere to man's dogmas and tenets,  however, metaphysics and the allegories of the bible which are taken literally,  so not understood is what I'm taking from this discourse. Sounds true is true, if we can differentiate  "truth from falsehood" not easy..

Hasina Baker says:

Need a little guidance on how to add light to my services …. any special ritual or words before meeting my clients.

Angel majorjoy says:

There is way too much Christianity in this book. Christianity like Judaism and Islam truly denominations of older text from Egyptian/Kemit (and Samarian) religions & teachings. This book gives too much credit to Christianity without expressing the origins of Christianity and the manipulated information in the Bible. That said energy related to money that the book speaks about is religious-less. Energy is infinite and universal that existed long before Christianity and even The ancient Egyptian religions. This book feeds too much into religion and Christianity! But it does bring to truth that religion has been used as a manipulative device to control human behavior. And the book also focuses well on realizing that the universal energy of all things is within you.

Athena K Delmontie says:

I've seen this book but never bothered to check it out, so happy I finally did. Thank you thank you thank you for sharing. I've shared this on Facebook as well. :)

Alan Davis says:

Love  Love Love This Thanks For Sharing

yellow party says:

My Guru☺️

BelAge says:

So grateful to find this. 

Aree Oree says:

Thanks for posting

SuperLilimarlen says:

Thank you very much of sharing Stuart Wilde´s invaluable teachings.

Kwanta Permpipat says:


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