StuartWilde LIve@Copenhagen2000 (Mind blowing)

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Stuart Wilde is considered by many the greatest living metaphysical writers in the world today. In the last twelve years he has had over 100,000 visions, which have taught him a vast body of information not available elsewhere. Many of the most famous New Age, New Thought writers and teachers have privately studied with him, or they have been greatly influenced by his work. Nowadays, there is a body of journalists that follow his work and restate it in articles in their own words.

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Gnosis2078 says:

Not feeling this at all. Never bought into his, hey I'm a warrior wizard and smarter than everyone BS. Believes in Illuminatti controlling everything. Don't waste your time.

Robby Bonter says:

Not one ignoramus here can spell the word LOSING. WTF is this LOOSING garbage, sixth graders?

Kotobukicho says:

Posted Feb? March, April, May, dead. See what happens when you go from positive to negative? Life may last the length of a blink of an eye, but I'd rather live 10, 20, 30 or 40 percent longer (like Mary Baker Eddy), than become bitter and die young at 66. I want to be funny, creative, loved–AND die old. How about you?

Mark Hadley says:

GOOD! Listen to Stockholm

Mark Hadley says:

Amazing program. One of the best from Steven Wilde

Iza Sienka says:

as cool as it is, easier said than done innit.

Neyo Brooks says:

I discovered Stu, recently and have learned lots of myself and view life. I must say; I am so used to hear him talk so well spoken enlightened, straight forward but it seems he shifted his course at the end of his time. I was really confused to hear his vocabulary and attitude contradicts his advice in the past. I understand the message but the contrast is too severe. I know no one is perfect he started loosing it in his last days, he was deff not well. This is more like douche bag stand up comedy with mainly "You know's and Fu**K's" Most say did not enjoy it. I rather remember him as how he was before. Just my thought!

Craig Cole says:

mind blowing

Gook VC says:

He specifically says here that u should not be limited in life" as long as u aren't hurting other people". An honorable philosophy and one I share. RIP

Kathy L says:

Always a pleasure to listen to Stu. Thanks for posting!

Darsan Govind says:

u r hurting people/life/nature/economy when u order food that u know u re gonna waste; yes, u re born free but u shud limit yourself to what u absolutely need, the world isnt there just 4 your picking no matter what your resources are.

Gloria Wright says:

Jesus, you people, he's got all this stuff to say and you people focus on his swearing…..REALLY???!!!!

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