"Suck my tongue": Tibetan lawmaker says Dalai Lama's words "part of a joke"

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Tibetan lawmaker-in-exile Dawa Tsering on Monday said footage showing the Dalai Lama as”ing a young boy to “suck my tongue” during an event in northern India was “part of a joke.”

Speaking to journalists, Tsering read out the spiritual leader’s apology, adding that it was “part of..play with a child.”

“A video clip has been circulating that shows a recent meeting when a young boy asked his Holiness the Dalai Lama if he could give him a hug,” the statement read on the exiled leader’s Twitter account.

“His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the hurt his words may have caused.”

The video also shows the Nobel peace laureate apparently giving the boy a peck on the lips in front of a clapping and laughing audience, while a man captures the moment on a phone.

For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/9612612/dalai-lama-apologizes-video-asking-boy-suck-my-tongue-kiss-tibet/

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CEL NAM says:

Sticking out your tongue to say hello is traditionally a sign of respect in Tibetan culture, adds the British media, which is based on information from the Institute of East Asian Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. Apr 16, 2023
"Among the Tibetans, there is an expression, 'eat my tongue', which stems from a game between children and their elders: when the former ask the latter for a little money or a candy, and the latter have no nothing more to give, they say: 'eat my tongue'" The Holiness Dalai lama doesn't speak very good english sometimes

kevin washington says:

Part of a joke…. Is not a good excuse for behavior.

Martine Richard says:

The people don’t understand. It was an initiation!

Floyd says:

I listened to a podcast by Robert thurman and he was saying that when a grandfather gives a boy candy he often jokes with the boy "what, you want to eat my tongue as well?" It is just a cultural thing and I think the Dalai lama was making a reference to that joke and used the word suck instead of eat. It didn't look like it was malicious to me at all. I believe china would very much like to discredit the Dalai lama because the Dalai lama does not want china's puppet panchen lama to chose a politically correct dalai lama after the dalai lama passes away. The 6 year old panchen lama was kidnapped 3 days after the dalai lama recognized him may 14, 1995 and was probably murdered because he has not been seen since. It would be politically convenient for china to discredit the Dalai lama, especially at such a critical time after the dalai lama found another successor. China has no problem murdering babies, poisoning 300,000 babies with the deadly chemical melamine to make it look like it was higher in protein.

Moto Alias says:

The apology is worthless as if it's the boys fault for asking for a hug. A hug would've been perfectly fine, what's not fine is the kissing and the tongue sucking. And that's not just playing around woth a kid. Unacceptable maybe China needs to come get this fool they want to lock him up anyways right.

MAC says:

His holiness, that's laughable!

ext1013 says:

Still, this is absolutely a bad, bad comment from the dalai lama.or from anybody else.

Yiren Vivian Wang says:

No excuse for child abuse.

GiGi Alien says:

Oh look! 👇👆 Americans

Chandra Hartono says:

Living in a hyper sexualised world, it's understandable that one's mind natural tendency is to project every external phenomenon that can be perceived as sexual must necessarily be sexual. That's how this world works.

X X says:

So, being some holy person makes it legal to harass children and call it playfulness and culture? 🙄 He travels the world and is very open in the internet, yet he can’t adjust to other cultures? This is clearly taking advantage of his position. Playfulness, LOL! A term for a holy man harassing children from different cultures 🙂

Tenzin says:

Western media regularly disregard Tibetans' own views and interpretations of their community. This story was no exception.
Coverage followed a predictable format, with most stories outlining the incident in brief, salacious terms before elevating decontextualized voices of moral outrage.
Some pieces did offer up paltry explanations of Tibetan cultural context, but these often had the effect of furthering the neo-Orientalist presumption that Tibetans are unthinking and uncritically religious while implying that the
"secular" West is intellectually and morally superior.

Audiognome says:

Creepy Dali Lama

Eternal says:

Why doesn't he try the "joke" on a ninety year old man?!

Migmar Tsering says:

Truth are coming, this has a Chinese angle to it; the edited video was deliberately tampered to make you all feel the way you all feel .. as a propaganda to malign the good name of His Holiness, whch China failed to do for sixty years… This is one such attempt. Nothing more. You should watch the whole context of the video widely available online. So please don't be deceived. And don't make rush judgment on Worlds' most respected teacher , which you will regret later out of moral conscience…. Please… Thank you.

Migmar Tsering says:

Why HH said "Suck my tongue", what he actually meant was "Eat my tongue" "chelesa sa' in Tibetan" which is normal cultural affectionate gesture among Tibetan elders when interacting with children when giving candies.. acceptable behaviour in Tibet- ask any Tibetans. and Himalayan people… His Holiness is an 88 y/o Tibetan. We must also remember, His Holiness English is not the best, HH often needs translation, what he meant was not what many in the west think, I know, "SUCK" has bad sexual connotation in the west. When you say "Suck " and ask to fill in the blank.. we all know what the answer will be. But no apology need at all from His Holiness for this affectionate Gesture, Media should apologise for misinterpreting, picking up on tailored video by Chinese Propaganda agent meant to malign and defame H.H and its intention was not anything else. Good thing, the world is waking up to this truth… slowly. May truth prevail. Long live HH the Dalai Lama. May your message of peace and love conquer all hatred and ill wills in this world. MEDIA should apologize to His Holiness to report irrespobsibly.

Insert your name here says:

Using same logic, perhaps we can even justify rapes😂

Yi Li says:

he meant it. it's obvious. that's can be white washed.

SECRET AMERICA !!! YouTube Channel with L.D. BRITE says:

Why didn't he pull away and say he was joking??? Too old. Very sad. I reviewed it over and over. It didn't seem like a joke to me.

n suarez says:

How do I know any of this is true or not? I didn't hear "suck my tongue" or didn't see any tongue sucking. These days they can even fake it on camera. All I know from experience is that the news are fakes and I don't trust them. They always like to kill people politically so let them fool the fools.

Kenny Wilson says:

So it's OK to suck people's tongue when meeting ?

deekay13 says:

“It was just a joke bro”
Said every predator ever.

Sole Marree says:

It was not a joke, Dalai Lama viciously stuck out his tongue.

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