Suffering is a gift by Ram Dass

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Whenever we suffer, we tend to suppress the suffering, to make it disappear. What I love about Ram Dass is the authenticity in which he explains from his own experiences why we should love suffering.

Ram Dass also known as Baba Ram Dass, was an American spiritual teacher, psychologist, and author.
In 1967, Alpert traveled to India where he met American spiritual seeker Bhagavan Das, and later met Neem Karoli Baba who became his guru at Bhumiadhar temple, whom Alpert called “Maharaj-ji”. It was Maharaj-ji who gave Alpert the name “Ram Dass”, which means “servant of God”, referring to the incarnation of God as Ram.


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TheAwakenedINFJ says:

Goosebumps.. Like hearing it for the first time.

TheAwakenedINFJ says:

Yes.. Pure beauty. True love. Real Life <3

Walter Goring says:

Is this on high speed? Why is he going a mile a minute and its high pitched?

Kayla P says:

thank you for this ❤️

Paul Storan says:

Namaste thankyou

James Hall says:

Heaven. What people call the sky from Earth. By that, anywhere on Earth is up. So where is down. Hell. Has to be somewhere. Are we on Hell?

Joseph Brindley says:

Deep analysis of suffering & how to cope with it. Peace.

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