Talking to Others as Just Another Human Being

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks on the importance of thinking of the oneness of humanity, how we are the same as human beings, as a way to cultivate warmheartedness towards others in this clip from the archives recorded in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India on December 25, 2013.

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@LiseLotteKristensen-lj7xl says:


@PhuntsogYangskit says:

Lama khen🙏🙏🙏❤❤

@kforest2745 says:

I don’t know if he knows what it’s like to grow up in a market. He may have grown up in a home, but for many people they don’t have a home they never did. So there is no talking to other human beings. There’s no human beings.

@allan300 says:

A very important and simple message for all of us.
The Dalai Lama: "Whenever I speak to others, I consider to be myself just another human being. I don't think I am the Dalai Lama or I'm a Buddhist. If [I would have meet] with Christians and others, I'd be seeting myself apart from them wouldn't I? There'd be a gap between us people in the audience and myself, wouldn't there? It would make us cautious with each other. If I thought of myself as the Dalai Lama, I might adopt a solemn and formal manner, but I don't think of that as being important at all. If I thought to myself I am the Dalai Lama I'd be creating a jail for myself. It would be suffocating and would limit how I conduct myself. Instead I just think of myself as another human being like you, I think about how we are the same." 🙏

@qd4051 says:

Great reminder, thank you Your Holiness

@alfreddaniels3817 says:

Yes, all beings want to be happy for themselves. But not all beings want others to be happy.

@vimaladevi1613 says:

Namo Buddhayanamaha 🎉🎉🎉tq tq

@levmoses742 says:

Wonderful! So grateful for his humility.
It can so frighten people who strive to be good teachers but are trapped by ego.
Much love ❤️

@user-btmbangalore says:

A true spirtual man encouages democratic principles, a cultist will seek to rule or discouage democratic principle. Buddha was careful not to become a cuit person.

@haroldalejandrourregoestra8387 says:

¿Cuantas pieles de esclavos se necesita para alcansar la felicidad? 😅

@gerardmorlais7870 says:


@lailalivsdatter6660 says:

I remember you writing about this, in one of your books. Your books are wonderful❤

@wabisabi8609 says:

Nur sehr wenigen Menschen ist es gelungen, mit so viel Weisheit und Empathi die wirklich wichtigen Dinge im Leben den Menschen zu vermitteln. Dafür bin ich sehr dankbar.
Wären alle unsere Politiker echte Buddhisten, die Welt wäre für alle das Paradis.
Ich wünsche dem Dalai Lama ein langes Leben ♥🙏

@boeingpameesha9550 says:

Jai shree gurudev aapkaa nalayak sevak guruji.

@GenesisArkane-ko8td says:

I'm like u I'm the reincarnation of tane mahuta new Zealand maori god of the forest I've had many last names and it was a struggle to find myself at 40 years old how do I retain my tittle back like u. I have a chosen bone and god stones

@Harmonyoversegregation-gq1qd says:

What I take from His Holiness is that he is not attached to his formally known titles. He speaks with his Buddha nature (which all being have). Doubt generates fear, fear generates hate.

@peggylabhutia9278 says:


@maxsmith108 says:

I rejoice that Dalai Lama has abandoned some of the pretense and spiritual materialism that likely got many people in trouble, Tibetan or non-Tibetan. If we are Buddhist and fighting over which lama is highest or most important, it becomes huge waste of time and is extremely destructive for the Buddhadharma as a whole.

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