Tao Te Ching Lao Tsu

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Lao Tsu. Tao Te Ching. translated by GIA-FU FENG and Jane English
I do not own the copyright to this audiobook.

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@saveriopulsinelli2217 says:

I wish there weren’t any commercials/ fucks the vibe

@patcummins6036 says:

By far the absolute best explanation of the Tao and its relationship with the huge problems besetting humanity bought upon by our replacement of God by science.
For this I blame the ego!

@benjaminamar5790 says:

So perfectly explaining the Tao it's in a simple way to understand!🙏

@patcummins6036 says:

By far the best narration I’ve come across!
Thank you!

@Bichonfrise369 says:

Too bad is had comercial!

@euclidofalexandria3786 says:

sharp mercy? did lao lord say that/?

@euclidofalexandria3786 says:

Thank you for posting. I appreciate the effort and care to do so. We need this wisdom in this time, Born in war, and grotesqueries, as such are the time now. Thank you again, I luv you 🙂

@saveriopulsinelli2217 says:

Please let this stay on the internet 👍

@sampathdesilva6143 says:

You are not reading the original version and you have added your own

@rodbennett1133 says:

this translation seemed to reach out to me. the comentary blew me away with language so wonderfully understandable as to bring forth a glimps of the mystery spoken of.

@BebeSoule says:

The sage is a weapon that was never used.

@Paul-ki8dg says:

Huh, "the ten thousand things" if I can recollect, that would be from the I Ching. That long line/ broken line thing. Stacked six high… for those that may know the reference..


I came here to grab the link for a friend.


400th like, this is one of the best writings ever !!!!

@tobydobbs8668 says:

Pipi pp yipoppo no.

@tylermills1255 says:

I love this narration of the Tao Te Ching. Thank you.

@adrianadesouzaaguzzoli3747 says:

Não falo inglês pirem, eu sinto boa energias gratidão 💥🙏

@JEpsteinDidntKillHimself says:

I listened to this on repeat at work 4 times yesterday. I am listening again this morning 🌄

@david_oliveira71 says:

Thanks a lot for this!
Best translation indeed ☯️

@brandonprofela6519 says:

This is the most authentic translation. The others are written in the western mind and are not poetic. I wish this one was the most common and sought out version. Jacob Needleman's voice brings it out so much

@dbzaleha says:

Who is the reader?

@dayveda3736 says:

My favorite narration and his narration of the sayings of the Buddha.

@tbc210 says:

Been looking for this version for a long time! Thanks for posting it.

@sh00122 says:

Anyone know which translation this is?

@archibald911 says:

Thank you for this, I couldn't find this version for a long time 🙂

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