Teaching of the Dalai Lama: Introduction to Buddhism

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His Holiness the Dalai Lama gives an introductory lecture to Buddhism at Emory on October 21, 2007.

For more information visit www.dalailama.emory.edu

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Spirituality says:

I am a Greek Orthodox Christian and would like to introduce you to Orthodoxy. Read "The Law of God," by Seraphim Slobodskoi; and/or "The Orthodox Way," by Kallistos Ware. To learn about pseudo-spiritual systems and the coming one world religion of Antichrist, read "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future," by Father Seraphim Rose. To see the evidence for Jesus's resurrection, read "The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus," by Habermas and Licona. To learn five good arguments for the existence of God, read "On Guard," by William Lane Craig. To learn about the biblical prohibitions of witchcraft and magic, read "Witchcraft: Exploring the World of Wicca,' by Hawkins. Pray, "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."

Nethun Batuwantudawe says:

this is Tibetan buddhism-the Buddha`s real teaching is in Theravadabuddhiam

Mitchy Masar says:

Through deep contemplation on the nature of reality, I came to the realization that there is something which exists outside of words, senses and concepts. I only call it "something", to communicate it to others. Later on now, and I've started to read The Diamond Sutra. It gives me a great deal of confirmation to this sort of theory, so to speak. Now I can not really sit here and claim to understand The Diamond Sutra. Though now I understand that, that "something" does not exist independently from any one thing but is actually the very nature of the universe itself. I understand all to be an illusion, including the "self" Yet this seems to be more of an intellectual knowledge. For I still struggle with a very large and emotional ego which I deal with daily. I have used many words in this comment, but you must understand that these words are only names I'm using for communication. If I use any words or concepts or display this message in any way which pertains to the "self". (As in me explaining a message to others) The meaning is already lost. I hold a great reverence for the blessed Diamond Sutra, and pray that it has not been profaned by my feeble mind attempting to grasp and display it . I am also simply trying to explain my own walk and the confirmation, (I guess I could call it) that was received when I read this most blessed Sutra. I am passionate about the liberation of all sentient beings from suffering. Does any one else kind of relate to what I'm saying? Could anyone in this comment section give their two sense?

Pure Energy says:

I see all religions as trying to explain quantum physics, the study of the smallest. What is called solidity, or the largest, is actually energy which vibrates, coils, spins, rotates, resonates, pulsates, and bursts forth. This can be found within the phrase E=mcsquared. Energy equals energy.
The smallest, or atoms, spins as light. I found these words in the book "The Quantum World" written by the physicist Ford:

'magically bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light, forming what are called protons and neutrons.'

The smallest spins the largest into being. What are called humans spin as 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms of light. All of these are constantly bursting forth, spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light for the proton, 3 points of light for the neutron and 1 point of light for the electron. That is 7 points of light spinning as the hydrogen atom. The carbon and oxygen atoms spin as many more points of light because they contain more protons, neutrons and electrons.
This constant bursting forth of spinning quarks tells me that creation is constant. This also tells me that we are indeed magical because we don't know how we are doing this. How are we walking around as light? How can light be so heavy? It is all bunched up so tightly into what we are that we even seem dark compared to light itself. I think that the dark thoughts that we have cause this light to spin more slowly. Depression and anger must slow down light because this light is bursting forth as love itself.

I have read that these points of light emit/beam waves of light which bunch up into frequencies called solidity. Everything everywhere vibrates and pulsates as frequencies that can be measured because they are standing waves. Particles are standing waves, a superposition of waves, not solid, but light. And since protons, neutrons and electrons spin as points of light, then particles spin as points of light. There is NO particle/wave duality. This is our oneness with each other and the universe and the source of this bursting forth. The fastest spinning light cannot be divided.
What causes waves of light to bunch up or resonate into frequencies? It has been said that observance does this. A conscious mind that observes with intent or desire. I have read that we are this conscious mind, which means that consciousness must exist before these waves of light resonate into frequencies called solidity. Of course these waves of light are constantly being emitted from points of light which must be consciousness itself. So……sounds to me that this bursting forth is done with purpose, a purpose that is constantly creating us billions of times a second.
I read a bible before physics, but the bible is not as detailed as to how we get here. The bible says we come from the light and that we are the light. Sounds to me that this part of the bible agrees with physics. This must mean that where the quarks are bursting from must be light also, but a much faster vibrating light that we don't see. Perhaps the sun is this bright. Maybe the sun is the light at the end of one of these tunnels. Just thinking. People that have had NDE experiences or near death experiences report seeing the brightest of light and themselves as points of light at the end of a tunnel. Many of them say that they feel saturated with love in this light. They feel bathed in eternity. They are changed when their consciousness comes back here, if it does. Personally I would rather stay there because there are no wars, prisons or other stresses about death, etc.
From this brightest most loving unconditional light it is seen that life on earth is temporary. Time is seen as a consequence of the spinning earth. In the brightest light called Source or God, there is no time. Weird to think of compared to here. So……rich moneyed people that are sad COULD read quantum physics to find out that they are constantly bursting forth as spinning light. There are a lot of books on the market about this light and how we are holograms. I like the book "Hands of Light" written by the NASA physicist Barbara Brennan because there are many pictures in it of what we look like as these light beings out of these bodies. Brennan has built a college system explaining how all these quarks that spin fast also spin into bigger vortexes or chakras. Seems that the points of light consciousness that we are is so brilliant not all of it fits into one of these bodies. So we are projections of this brilliant consciousness. What else would we be since we are not solid?
How's that for a religion?

Priest Azrael says:

Those subs rofl

haris khan says:

Why you tech people Gotham to kill other religious people Gotham and his follower i Buddhist are territories

sartaj ahmad Dar says:

Buddhists are silent terrorists now exposed infront of world. They are the most human rights voilators

Simon H says:

It's so sad to watch the meaningless ramblings of a senile old man.

But it's even sadder to see the YouTube comments of mindless drones who believe him and adopt his bs as their "religion".

حمزه سكير says:

؟ اسحر

Susie Hill says:

Rihanna buddist!? 😂😂😂😂 don't use the closed captions, you won't stop laughing

Demetrius Williams says:

can someone tell me what language he's speaking?

SiddTheBuddha says:

I'm a satanist

Mael Sef says:

Is it true there are two branches of Bhudism?

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