Teachings for Tibetan Youth – 2024 – Day 1

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The first day of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s two day teaching on Key to the Middle Way for Tibetan Youth at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on June 3, 2024.

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  • Categories: Dali Lama


@luizantoniopereira690 says:

Long Live His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama!

@annro6633 says:

Thank you❤❤❤❤

@nigelparke5283 says:

The English translation cut out about 20 minutes into the video. Could a version of the video with the english translation be uploaded?

@lifelineeducation1 says:

तिब्बत को आजाद कनरे का समय आ गया ❤

@witchking453 says:

We want to hear tones of his voice. Please add EN subtitles. That would ve been better

@juliettedaitch4529 says:

I dont want enlightement said cookie

@guppygrease9767 says:

Binary proactive solutions to thing's life have yet to share. Follow along work same for everyone in fluttering in the light. Peace is win and no escape was given!

@Spotify_DJ says:

Sights to all fake sears

@onebitree says:

Shut u up English

@zachla says:

We need you so much Holiness, stay with us for a 1000 years!

@11220nan says:


@VladimirPortillo-wc5td says:


@VladimirPortillo-wc5td says:


@AMonk-gh4up says:


@addilove3495 says:


@addilove3495 says:


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