That Time the CIA Funded the Dalai Lama

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The CIA has been involved in quite a lot of “international interventions”, some more successful than others. Many are familiar with their adventures in Latin America, but few know that they were also involved in Tibet… and that is what we’ll explore in this episode of SideQuest.

EDIT: To clarify, the Tibetan Resistance existed prior to the CIA’s involvement in Tibet; it was a citizens’ uprising-turned-army that happened to receive funding and training from the CIA due to their common geopolitical goals.


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A big THANK YOU to the selfless supporters of SideQuest for their limitless generosity:

JK, Leloo Wolf, DeityTV, Oskari Liukku, pmck, Sam, Aradhya Khandelwal, dancingvulture, Ciaran Hassan, Jean-Francois Perreault, Gabriel, Jeanne Moss, Scott Gibbs


Further Reading:

“Tibet’s Cold War” by Carole McGranahan –’s_Cold_War_The_CIA_and_the_Chushi_Gangdrug_Resistance_19561974/links/5680682b08ae1975838b08d1/Tibets-Cold-War-The-CIA-and-the-Chushi-Gangdrug-Resistance-19561974.pdf
“The Snow Lion and the Dragon: China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama” by Melvyn C. Goldstein –

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CH Lim says:

Better still, he managed to escaped that harsh land by only sandals, butter tea and faith.

NBA Yek says:

Even if Tibetans are protesting Daily(With the funds of USA/CIA)..their Main Daddy The pedo Dalai Lama Already stated that he doesn't want tibet to be independence from china in his recent interviews lmao😂😂😂

Elizabeth McCormick says:

One of the best things that the CIA ever did!

Thot Patrol USA says:

yikes. cant watch anything dalai lama related without thinking of….👅

NoSpace says:

thank you i am not geographically inclined

The Unknown & Unheard says:

Hahaha… good try buying into ChiNazi propaganda. China 'liberated' Tibet is same as saying Emperial Japan Chinese from Cannabislism.

عموراي عموراي says:

High level of explaining
Special ly for last hhh

UJAN R says:

He is not a religious leader rather political puppet

Royz Gaming says:

Pakistani dictator Yahya was the reason behind Nixon warming to China

EkantBhairab Rexona says:

Here I'm a Napalese, speaking about Tibetan people's misery in the past, we've a very close acquaintance with Tibetan people historically and culturally_Before Tibet was liberated and reunited with China, the dalai lamas, predecessors of current dalai lama even persuaded the serfs (Tibetan people) to eat 'herbal medicine' that was made from his dehydrated feces turned into pills look alike. The serfs then were made to believe it in a true sense that they were indeed medicines. That is how horrible was the situation of Tibetan people in those days.

abytebit says:

Dalai Lama is the serfs owner, that's the truth

how stupid this world is

Tony Jiang says:

so basically China didnt like the slave economy tibet was running on so they confiscated the land from the dalai lama, gave it to the freed slaves, and now dalai lama isnt happy so he flees the country lol

xX_thelordandsaviour69_Xx says:

conviniently left out that the dalai lama owned serfs and before mao tibet was a feudal backwater and the 'freedom fighters' are a very small population indeed hardly representing the general pro mao concensus in tibet

Scott Nunnemaker says:

The Lama is literally no different than any monarch claiming divine right to rule. I believe in a free Tibet, but a democratic Tibet.

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