The Advanced Course – Full Lecture

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We suffer when there is an imbalance between our inner truth and the way we live our lives. Responding to a comment by one of the participants at the 1993 “Wisdom Heart” retreat, Ram Dass gave this lecture about bringing greater awareness into each and every moment of our lives. (Summer 1993)

Photos: Lisa Law, Tom Asher, Rameshwar Das

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Zachary Davis says:

i wish we would have grown a better skin….guess its time to try and shed
all this disconnection with reality and nature because without our
connection with nature we do not survive and there is no way around that
because no matter how hard anyone and everyone tries to fill that hole
inside of you it will erode away until we are all empty shells…..relearn
yourself for the soul reason of personal insight and to find personal
respect.(and if you think respect comes from image rather than character
and actions(not the way you walk but the way you take yourself and anything
you do with pride and a sense of passion) good luck to all in the world!

Jack warwick says:

Thank you for the assistance in the great change in my life

Ram Dass Channel says:
Mama Happyness says:

love you Ram Dass x

Jennifer Selinger says:
B Weaver says:

Bravo. Sense of humor (Chogyam Trungpa) in tension of duality, (tension
no), way thru is thru suffering, balance between two, Christ way of the
cross, between fundamentalism and mysticism, true/false
self….separate/part of whole, caregiver/sufferer, Jew/Muslim,
particular/universal….Good video with read of Chogyam Trungpa Spiritual

Jane Jones says:

The Advanced Course – Full Lecture: LOVE THE

Elise Kert says:

Well, Ram Dass nailed it once again! Talking about voluntary simplicity and
an evolution of consciousness, and this was almost twenty years ago!

Greg Kirby says:

Thank you, Ram Dass. :-)

Jon Harris says:

Many thanks 

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